Q: What is the history of PHILADELPHIA cream cheese? When was it first introduced?
What is the connection to the city of PHILADELPHIA?
A: Cream cheese was invented in the United States in 1872
PHILADELPHIA Brand Cream Cheese was introduced in 1880.It was named after the city known for superb foods at that time, especially dairy products.
Kraft acquired PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese in 1928 when Kraft merged with the Phenix Cheese Company, the producer of “PHILADELPHIA” Cream Cheese PHILADELPHIA Whipped Cream Cheese was invented in 1959
Flavors were added to the Whipped line in 1962
Thanks for the link. I am a moron.
Soft PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese debuted in 1980
Several flavor varieties of the Soft product were introduced in 1982
Soft PHILADELPHIA Light Cream Cheese was introduced in 1982.
When it comes to cooking and foods I usually turn to http://www.epicurious.com to engage my need for information. They have a food dictionary that covers foods, cooking terms and such. Oh and some wonderful recipes too and a buttload of recipes, their database is huge.
But indeed, cream cheese was invented in 1872 according to them…they are what I consider to be virtual experts as it’s part of the magazines “Gourmet” and “Bon Appetit.”