A question for racists

I’m a 37-year-old white guy and I have noticed that whenever I’m around other white guys, many of them obviously think that, since they are racists, I am too. Some examples:

Talking to a customer, who runs a liquor store, about the lottery. You know the usual “If I won the lottery…” type stuff. He says he rarely plays it, but he sure is glad the state has the (n-word) tax!!

In a used record store where the owner has a local R&B oldies station on. Earth, Wind, and Fire is playing (“September” a killer tune), another customer and fellow MSTie (I am so ashamed) says (about the horns in the song), “Those guys aren’t capable of such complex arrangements, they’ve probably got some white guy writing them.”


Please, oh evil racists, keep your mind-rotting crap to yourselves. Don’t assume that, since I’m white, I hate minorities, too.

Well, while I’m sure we have some racists on this board, wouldn’t it be better and more satisfying to simply look at the people who are telling you these things and politely inform them how their kind should be extinct by now?

Yer pal,

Six months, four days, 20 hours, 14 minutes and 23 seconds.
7513 cigarettes not smoked, saving $939.22.
Extra life with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours, 5 minutes.

I slept with a moderator!*

I’m just waiting to see who’s gonna step in here and proclaim himself a racist and answer the question.

Well, if your going to select a group of people (racists) solely on the fact that they make inaccurate generalizations about people on account of race, it shouldn’t be too surprising when they make inaccurate generalizations about people on account of race.

Ow, waterj2, my brain hurts now.

OK, to be more clear, racists by definition make innacurate generalizations about people based on their race. What the OP is complaining about is that racists assume things about him because he is white. I submit that the exact same logic that leads to racism also leads to racists assuming that members of their race share their beliefs. Better?

Insert obligatory “I hate everyone the same” joke here.

Oh, OK, gotcha. Now that I understand, I agree with you. (FTR, that’s the only post I’ve read of yours that has confused me. I usually find you to be pretty articulate.) I can think of maybe a couple of posters who may be considered racist (one a little too painfully obvious recently), although I think they’re more jingoistic than racist. I’ve witnessed the same thing that the OP has. I used to be fairly tolerant of it, but I anymore I make it a point to give them shit about it.

Gotta say I envy racist …as well as homophobes, biggots, skinheads, etc.

God, I only wish that my own life was so organized and perfect that I could afford the time to correct and/or hate others because they fail to live up to my expectations of perfection.

Unfortunately, I have a hard enough time just trying to justify my own existance.

I, for one, bow down to these obvious masters of the universe (hmmm, should I put a roll-eyes smiley here?)