A Question for the Open-Minded and Iron-Stomached

That’s OK; I wasn’t too fond of guacamole anyhow.


You must be doing it wrong. There are two women with whom I’ve had anal sex. One really enjoyed the few times we did it but quit due to side effects. The other has become rather ass-crazy – she likes it more than I do, in fact, so it’s probably a good thing we’re not actively seeing one another. In both cases, I was their first backdoor man.

–Da Cap’n

Dang Sqrl, you hever heard of queef until just now? I remember we (my peers) used to giggle about that term in middle school (about '91).

I’d like to redirect our gentle reader’s attention to the OP. There was a serious question there, I believe.

GQ Mod

The lube or semen has become an irritant.
Make sure you use a condom – that should keep the semen from becoming an irritant. Yes, even for monogamous couples. The bacteria in the rectum, while not that serious, can cause complications if it gets into the uretha. Also, it makes cleaning the penis easy and ready for vaginal or oral sex.

Try different lubes. You may find one that doesn’t irritate. Whily KY Jelly is popular for vaginal intercourse, you may want to try the top gay sex lube – Wet.

You can also try the non-latex condoms which gives you the freedome to use oil/petroleum based lubes (crisco, petroleum jelly, olive oil…). Maybe there’s even a latex allergic reaction involved.
