A randomizer for a set of Oblique strategies cards

I have a xerox copy of Brian Eno’s Oblique strategies cards. I’ve never bothered to figure out a way to use them, as they’re 6 to a page on my copy. If I wanted to could I make a file containing typed versions of these messages and then have some application randomize and choose them for me?

Any reason all of the obvious solutions won’t work?

There is an obscure method for randomizing cards called ‘shuffling’.

You’re welcome.

This is a user-interface question. There are a million ways to do the randomization, but I’m guessing you have something in mind for how you want the process to work. Is that right?

If not, then, yeah, print them out and shuffle them. Or number them 1 through 23 or whatever, and pick a random number from 1 to 23 using a website or app.

A quick search shows that random.org’s phone app includes a text list randomizer for a small fee.

You could just use this online version of the deck and call it a day.

I have ordinary paper sheets that have 6 cards to a sheet. i don’t want to cut them up and shuffle them.

I could use a sharpie on a good deck i suppose. But I thought there was a way to do it digitally.

And what do you know. Looks like some smart guy solved my problem.

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“Trust in the you of now.”