A rat. A giant F'ing rat.

I know you’re kidding, but trust me, they’re rats. I lived next door to a guy who was breeding them. Scary fuckers. My cats didn’t want anything to do with them.

You know there are Albertans* here and you still link this. I’m not looking, can’t make me.

*Alberta doesn’t have rats. And now I live in Baltimore. Nice conditioning, eh?

[Don Knotts] Sniff I could take 'em Sniff[/Don Knotts]

Quite cute really, those giant rats. At least they didn’t find some inect that big.


Protect yourselves. Now. While there is still time.
'possum’s kind of cool, though.

I don’t think the world is quite prepared for this story, Vanneman and Boyer (and all the others) notwithstanding

Actually, this is what I’m afraid of. People will import them as ‘exotic’ pets. Of course some will escape and some will be set free when the owner tires of them.

Calm yourselves. Nepenthes in action. For (ahem) a small fee, I can make all your rodents belong to us.

Have you tried this recipe?

I’m sorry, but like Hostile Dialect says, I’ve seen rats that big (in DC). They aren’t afraid of people, either, but not for the same reason as the Indonesian ones.

Stupid New Media. None of their “reporters” know how to think for themselves. This stupid story is just another example of what you get when you dumb down journalism (even further).

He thought it was a viscious rat, but the veterinarian informed him that it was actually a native poodle.

Yeah, lunatic thoughts like this will have us living in a live-action Chuck E. Cheese.

Maybe you can drop them off in the Everglades to feed the giant frickin’ pythons people released.

Hey, rats make awesome pets. I’d think a bigger one would just be hardier and possibly more intelligent.

Has no one on this board been to Brooklyn? Those aren’t rats…

I spent quite a lot of time at the Navy Yard (now closed, I hear) in Brooklyn. I saw plenty of rats, big ones, but none quite like these.
I also saw huge-ass city rats. Still, no match.

Nice one. I’ve got a picture of a flytrap eating an Anole I’ll need to dig out for yas.

I would like to see that; The Venus Flytrap has rather small, week traps. Nepenthes has a container of…gunk…that digests the prey. One presumes something as large as a mouse or rat drowns first.

Sumatra, West of Java.

I printed this out and put it up on the bulletin board outside my office. Merry Christmas!!

Sadly, my Nepenthes subsist on a boring diet of cockroaches. The trap in question as large and the lizard was small.


(not my photos, by the way)
