A reason to love Korea: I just had beer delivered to my house!

Yes, I did! 2000cc of Korea’s finest.:cool:

Astrogirl ordered it with the fried chicken we are having for dinner tonight (we didn’t feel like going out).

We might even order more beer later if events warrant!

Eat yer hearts out!:stuck_out_tongue:

When I was in Seoul I went to Wendy’s and found a cockroach in my chicken sandwich.

That is all.

Did they charge you extra for that, or was it “service” (as they say here)?:stuck_out_tongue:

You can order alcohol with food from plenty of takeaways in the UK too.

For this American boy it’s a novel experience! I like it! I may never have to shower and leave my house again!

Of course there is a downside: while I was paying the man at the door, Astrogirl got hold of the remote control… no more Star Trek for me!:frowning:

Stupid Korean soap-operas!

C’mon, Astroboy! don’t you want to see Mrs. Kim crying on the floor because her son Seung Ho didn’t get into Seoul* Dae*, her daughter is marrying a foreigner, and her husband is spending every evening at the noraebang with his office buddies?

I always got a kick out of watching the Chosun dramas, like Yongui Nunmul (Tears of the Dragon), or Chang Hee-Bin (a very naughty court lady in King Sejo’s reign)

The Chosun dramas are interesting, at least! God, I SO want one of those old-timey Korean teacher hats with the wings that fly out ot the sides… just to wear for the first day of class.:cool: How cool would that be?

Unfortunately, Astrogirl’s taste in dramas coincides very closely with what you described, gobear… and it drives me batshit!

“O-pa! O-pa! Chay-bal!! Mi-an-hey! SOB SNORT Chang-mal! Mi-an-hey!”:rolleyes:

Shesshhhhhh Gobear. This is the drama series that Astroboy is writing up on the sly for that day when astrogirl outs that she’s going to marry a foreigner, he’ll be able to spice it up with that personal perspective much quicker than that slang dictionary.

Astroboy, you can also safely move to Japan, Taiwan or China. The liquor stores and in China even the supermarkets will deliver booze to your door pretty much 24/7. Okay, it’s more like 20/7 but you get my drift. Man, I love asia.

Friends of mine who lived in New Orleans used to order sandwiches from a local market – and beer and cigarettes. The market delivered. How civilized!

There is a place that delivers alcohol here where I live. Not just beer, but hard liquor too… it’s called ajaXXX liquor :slight_smile:

Really? I thought it was totally verbotten in the US to deliver alcohol… do they card you at the door before handing it over?

Huh… ya learn something every day! Especially here on the SDMB! :cool:

Home delivery of beer. How civilized. It is truly a dark age in which we live here in those places devoid of such elementary necessities of life.

That’s it. I’m moving. At least to a place with a brew-thru if not home delivery.

I’m pretty sure that they card you at the door, all though I’ve never ordered from them. I don’t really drink that much. They’ve been around for a few years. Before them, there was another one called The Cellar.

I’v3e always been under the impression that htey are rare in America becaue it’s so dangerous: I mean, considering that pizza guys get held up fairly often, a beer guy . . .man ,I’d be tempted if I wasn’t on the Good Side.