A Serious Drug Question

A friend is trying to find the name of a drug she was given for morning sickness back in 1979 - 80. It was called something like Benedictin and it was taken off the market due to birth defects. Searches at pharm sites have not been helpful. Can the dopers come up with the correct name of the drug and any further information for her?

Your memory’s pretty good. The drug is Benedectin/Diclectin, and there are several excellent articles at this site (sorry, I’m lousy at hyperlinking here):

One article at this site starts with:

Hope this helps.

Straight Dope Science Advisory Board

you are my hero - I never expected such a quick and thorough response! My friend would thank you, but she’s not on line.

IIRC, it was withdrawn not because it had been shown to cause birth defects, but because the manufacturer found that a cheaper alternative than defending against every lawsuit that was brought up every time someone’s child turned out to have birth defects.

I don’t think a statistically significant figures were ever shown indicating probable cause–much the same with silicone breast implants, IUD’s, and who knows what else.

Maybe there was, but I don’t recall ever having heard it.

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Straight Dope Science Advisory Board