A Small Suggestion

Is the board’s hardware really still running so close to the ragged edge of disaster that this stupid restriction is still doing anything worthwhile?

Yes we still.

I use it because I hate myself.

And in support, I use it because I hate Drunky Smurf. :smiley:

Since we still receive complaints about this board’s performance at times (the last complaint was in May of this year), that rather strongly indicates that the restrictions still need to be in place.

I do the [site:boards.straightdope.com flip flop “charlie wayne”]

It’s the first result. Your way returns this thread.

eta: of course, that’s what ECG said in post #17. doh.

Yeah? Well I’ve done MILLIONS of searches*.
*I’m kidding, I don’t use the search function often, however I do browse the board by the “New Posts” feature, which the board counts as a search

The only reason I’ve found is that Google (as far as I know) can’t handle forum-specific searches. And if you’re looking for the time that that one guy used (say) a Princess Bride quote in GD to mock someone, Google will gives way too many results without the forum delimiter.

Luckily, that doesn’t occur too often.

I use the search engine all the time and it works perfectly fine for me, mostly.

For some people, though, it works miserably to the point of being almost unusable. I don’t know why.

Charlie’s suggestion was aimed more at new users who don’t know about (or remember) the 120 second limit, and those kind of users are also unlikely to know that Google is a better way to search the boards. So “use Google” doesn’t address what he’s trying to fix.

But it still doesn’t seem like an issue that needs fixing. So a user tries another search and it says “come back in 100 seconds.” They get the message that they have to wait 2 minutes, it doesn’t reset the timer on them, and it prefills the search box with whatever they originally typed so they don’t have to retype anything. The total savings is one mouse click, and no savings in time.

And how many searches return zero results?

the only thing about the search feature is that it won’t search for anything with three letters or less. then Google can be helpful.

Czarcasm has the right idea. :cool:

I had one today because I missplleld a word. You know, I don’t pay good money to sit on my ass and wait two minutes to do a re-search. I demand this be fixed.

Thank you very much.

Way ahead of you. I just searched for “missplleld” and it returned results.

Do you have any idea how much two minutes of my time is worth? Well, not much. But this isn’t about me. It’s about me having to wait two minutes between searches. Just because my time isn’t valuable to me personally doesn’t mean it’s not precious to all of us.

Yeah, I don’t know why that is. But it’s very strange to me. I almost can’t find anything with a board search. But unlike Fenris, anytime I try a Google “SDMB” search it usually brings up my desired thread first time. Of course I front load the search pretty heavily including everything I can remember about what I’m looking for which ends up being about 15-20 words.

Yes, Vinyl Turnip’s time is precious to me.

At one point I was working on a search plugin for the board that would automatically add all the stuff to Google, including making it easy to search by poster and to put things in order.

But then I stumbled upon something weird. If you force Google to put things in chronological order, a lot of the results disappear. It’s weird.

My computer’s crashed since then, I don’t know if I had it backed up. But this thread reminded me of that.

Just sayin

Always found that a curious boast, but never second-guess Muddy.

I’d like to add that although Vinyl Turnip’s time may not be precious to me, it would be a lot more precious if VT took a name change. Perhaps I can make a few suggestions. How’s about some of these?

  1. Vinyl Potato

  2. Vinyl Tuber


  1. Vinyl Rutabaga (this could be appropriate if Vinyl Turnip has any kind of Swedish ancestor because a Rutabaga is actually a Swedish Turnip).

My gosh! I just learn something new every time I come to this site.


  1. Oracal 631 Turnip

According to the following site, Circuit Vinyl is Oracal 631 and it can most certainly get wet. Many people have asked if vinyl can ever get wet. So if you are like me and never imagined that vinyl could somehow get wet, then you might want to reconsider using the name Vinyl Turnip and instead, you might consider changing that name to Oracal 631 Turnip. But, I would check the following site - just in case.


Oracal 631 Turnip just somehow sounds a lot more friendly to me than does Vinyl Turnip.

You did want to appear to be friendly. Didn’t you?