The scary little village that’s close to me. You know the one where they’re sure I’m insane?
A guy lived there.
He was homeless, I guess. Some people said he had a house he just preferred to be out and about.
He was always on the street. The scary gas station wouldn’t let him in. He smelled. He would ask people to get him stuff inside. Mostly beer. Sometimes snacks.
There was an empty store front. The roof was bad. So many birds made the place their home. The floor was covered with bird droppings. Yuck. Uncle Philby could, often be seen inside sitting in a dilapidated old chair. Birds all around him. He was accepted as a bird-of-the-feather.
I stopped at the gas station once. Pumped my gas. I was unaware of someone there when I heard “I know your husband”, I’ve heard that many times. Big Wrek is kinda famous in these parts. I turned around and was immediately shocked. It was Uncle Philby.
I said…erm…mumbled something. Stopped the gas pump and put the cap on and walked away. I almost got to the door when there was a tap on my shoulder. I nearly evaporated. Uncle Philby sez, “Can you get me a beer”. Umm? “Yeah, sure, what kind?”
He tells me and hands me $3.
I’m not sure I heard him, so I ask him again.
Oh, god. I’m standing 2 feet from this man. I realize he’s tiny. There’s a feather stuck to his scruffy face. His hands are the dirtiest hands I’ve ever seen. I can’t look at his face and mouth moving anymore. I look down. One foot looks ok. Old boots. The right boot is cut open. His big toe is pointing to the sky. A toenail is twisted and at least 2 inches long. Yellow, nasty and gross. A feather floats down and lands on the ground by his foot. I realize he’s still talking. He sez “Lady, did you hear me?” “Get me an Old E. malt liquor”
I said ok, real fast. The smell was horrendous. I got in the door.
The clerk gave me a knowing look. I got the beer. Paid for my gas and separately the clerk punched up the cost of the beer. Stuck it in 2 paper sacks and put the change in the sacks. Clearly she knew the routine. I didn’t question her.
I stop and think a minute. Not long. I’m considered kinda crazy in this town too. I must not add to the urban legend. I go out.
I hand Uncle Philby the sack and run to my car. I’m not interacting with him any more.
Oh, crap. I gotta make sure I don’t get that weird.
I gotta make a list: I’m never hanging
around on the street, I’m never sitting in a storefront with birds, I’m gonna get regular pedicures and keep my hands clean. And I’m always gonna wear deorderant. Always.
The other day Big Wrek said Uncle Philby was found dead in the storefront.
Added to list: Don’t die in a storefront. Ever.