A Very Early and Stolen MMP

Oh man! I could have had Mandy the Martian and Roundboy join us for dinner, too…

throw in some hot pink or bright orange and have a psychodelic pad, man!

Welcome, DB, to where the cool kids hang (but you’re going to need a better nickname than that…anyone else care to assign?)

'Salright. It’s really nice to have people who care enough to bug me to go to the doctor, even though they’ve never met me.

Now to catch up with the rest of the thread.

Poop-Scooper? That’s what my cats call me.

Hate to say that the short form is “DogButt”…

Sneezy, I’m sorry to hear about your week of suck. I’ll try to send some of this rain your way; does anyone know the number of the Wind God?

rose, you certainly sound like you were precocious little kid. And no, I’m not going to bother looking up the spelling of precocious.

On the nickname issue, I propose doggy.

I withdraw my proposal in favor of DogButt.

heh…you said BUTT… :stuck_out_tongue:

heh - I was 7 going on 18 :wink:

Now, y’all stop that! It isn’t nice to refer to poor dogbutler as dogbutt for at least a couple of weeks OR until fcm has already received her chocolate. :wink:

Wait, I gotta send chocolate? :smack:

One of the many, and more chronic, nicknames for Maddy the VunderDog is FuzzButt

Chocolate, shmocolate. Wait 'til you hear about the goat…

and the squid! Don;t forget the squid!

and the squid! Don’t forget the squid!

stoopit hamsters

OK, cut it out - we don’t do goats and squids. Sheesh. All you need to become one of the Cool Kids is to send the requisite Chocolate Love Offering. Now, all newbies gather together for a group grope, er, I mean hug. :smiley:

Well, I had my first physical therapy session today - the therapist thinks I might have rotator cuff tendonitis. Next visit, he’s going to give me exercises I can do, and he said ice packs are good. And that I should take it easy. And he forgot to mention it, but I know chocolate is in order too.

And that’s all I’ve got. No weird dreams last night, nothing exciting at work. Just another day in paradise…

How do you feel being the underling for a member of beaglekind? I’ve got two tricolored overlords back home. They run my existcence.

It’s faaaaaaaaaaaaantastic!

My weird dream consisted of me working at some Japanese restaurant with Anagramless guy for a short while, and then we went outside to what turned out to be a Britney Spears concert, although I didn’t realize it was a concert, but thought that someone was playing music loudly. Someone asked me if I wanted to dance, and although I never dance, I did for some reason… and everyone else did the same thing as me. Without knowing it, I was a backup dancer for Britney Spears! Why?

Also, I’ve become completely addicted to riding my bike. I didn’t have to work today, but I rode my bike to school to check my mail, and then later in the day, up to a clothing store to waste some time and ride my bike.

I don’t know if I’m ever actually going to get my car fixed.