A virtual gift-giving MMP

Yeah, I’m a Mumper, through and through. I just got out of a meeting where I introduced my colleagues to the concept of The Pointed Stick. They approved.

Especially if he’s singing and calls said razors his friends

Apple neds to take some lessons on order processing and tracking from Amazon. On the day after my gizmo was due to be delivered, I get an email saying it’s been shipped and is expected to be delivered tomorrow. Not five minutes later, FedEx calls me to see if I’ll be home to sign for it today. :confused:

So, let’s see if it arrives today.

Today is so bad, even our workflow system doesn’t want to work. We’re all in thumb-twiddle mode now, waiting for it to come back to life.

DH is getting well and truly cranky on the low-calorie, low-fat liquid diet.

You ain’t seen nuthin yet. Wait until he goes on a roid rage from all the androgens hitting his system because there’s no fat to store them anymore.

O Hai! enjoying a brief portion of morning relaxation before I go off to work :slight_smile:
/me makes a big batch of hot spiced cider mixes and sends to all and sundry with recipes, both Hic and Suitable For Children :smiley:
Happy Happies! this weekend I get out the Holiday Stuff…

The IMS is all fubar again. This time I need to do stuff so it’s now personal. So today, this is an awful thing. The last time it was not an awful thing because it did not effect me. Woe is me.

I’m not so sure. I ordered a new computer case from Amazon on Monday, and when I checked my order status this morning it said “Shipping Soon”. :eek: What!?! They haven’t even gotten it out the door yet? If it wasn’t for the free shipping I wouldn’t buy anything from Amazon. Cretins!

Hey everybody. Happy birthday to thems that needs it. I survived NaNoWriMo and even won (although I cheated with the last 150 words. I meant to write some more last night but I was too tired).

Now that I don’t have to type huge amounts of text anymore I have to get used to typing on Qwerty instead of Dvorak. It’s coming back to me…

I need to buy my presents for myself (I promised myself one thing off my wish list for each story I finished for the White Knight. I finished four scripts and a text piece, and did another bit that I don’t know where I’ll use. So that’s five presents! Yay!

Have to get my dad’s Christmas present. I think I’m getting him a big tin of shortbread and a couple of pairs of jeans. The jeans are on his wish list - he’s incredibly boring.

I have five parties I’m invited to over the next two weekends. One work, one ‘Thank Gosh It’s Over’ for NaNoWriMo, the end of the season / planning next year / taking care of necessary business for my RenFaire Guild and two parties at clubs with friends. I’m planning on one fun party and the NaNo party which will also be fun (I have to decide which page to print out to share. I think it’ll be the prose piece with all the character study, because most of the rest is script format).

Dad decided he wants to do Thanksgiving dinner at our place this weekend as well. And Mom decided we’re decorating for Christmas. I may run away. I don’t mind the dinner, although I’m afraid to enter the kitchen the whole day - Dad gets stressed easily and doesn’t deal well with it. But I find decorating for Christmas to be too much. I prefer to put up a bit of garland, hang a couple of ornaments from it, and call it a season. Plus comments about me being an atheist and ‘Jesus loves you, you know!’ become more likely. And that gets old, really fast. I shouldn’t complain though, my parents aren’t about to hold a intervention, or disown me, or anything like that.

I don’t recall who I’d ordered from, but I got some merchandise delivered, and the next day I got an email telling me it had been shipped. Um, thanks… :rolleyes:

Home from class. I glazed a couple of pieces, helped empty the kiln, found a piece in the damp cabinet that I’d forgotten I’d done, and helped scrape and re-coat 6 kiln shelves. Good times. It was a messy chore, but like I told several classmates, I’d rather do that than clean the clay room.

Not sure what my plans for the rest of today will be - I need to pull something out of the freezer for supper - maybe poke chops? Or chicken? Or polish sausage? Decisions, decisions…

I did pick up the stuff for my family gift exchange - chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, sprinkles, cherries, chopped pecans, and an ice cream scoop. Plus I got out a ceramic dish I made several years ago. I’m going to wrap each piece separately and stick them all in a festive bag. :smiley:

'Scuzeme? Roughly when do I need to go hide?

The new toy has arrived, and now I’m figuring it all out. The instructions are certainly sparse. They’re down to a 3x5" card. Fortunately, it’s all been pretty easy to figure out. I better not type too loudly, but this thing runs faster than my desktop iMac at browsing single websites or playing that game with the pigs and irritated birds.

Starts about 3 months post-op. Imagine PMS in a guy…

I made it back from my meetings in Houston late last night then had to make a 6 hour round trip to go pick up a sample from a supplier this morning did a bit fo work this afternoon and now I need a nap.

Supper is poke loin and butternut squash. I’s tahred.

Supper was leftover lasagna. 'twas good.

I turned on the fan that’s part of the fireplace insert. It’s loud in this room, but doggone, does it move the hot air! This weekend, we’re going to take it out and see if we can adjust it or lubricate it or something to quiet it a bit. If not, I’ll deal - the heat it great!!

I really miss the woodburning stove from the NC Lair. We used it as our primary heat source.

Howdy Y’all! Poke chops, field peas, rice 'n gravy and bizkits for dindin. Good comforty dindin on a cool night. YUM! I have one smallish piece of pee-can pie left. I shall eat it shortly. It’s mine! All mine! BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA Pee-can pie brings out my mad scientist laugh. :smiley:

Things are getting confusing again, which is a step up from the terror, uncertainty, and fear of last night and this morning. One day I am going to write *such *a book.

Well, I haven’t been around but for good reason. Over the last two days, I have busted my butt and finished everything remaining for my Nutrition class (the most tedious class). I’m 19 days early and this will make the next 2.5 weeks go so much more smoothly. Starting tomorrow I’m going to try to finish History before Sunday night.

Rosie’s sig to all. See you next week!

Check that again, Bumba. That was the status I saw first when I checked on the order I put in on Thanksgiving. I clicked on another link and found where my package actually was and found that it had not only been shipped already, but was just outside Columbus. It was delivered on Monday.

Congrats on the NanoWriMo success, ShinyCat. And yay on having the work for Nutrition done, shortdrum.

I spent the day out, first at the park, helping a little bit with decoration, but mostly planning next year’s meetings and events and making sure there weren’t any conflicts with other events or with holidays.

Then I went shopping for a while, paused to participate in a conference call, and shopped some more. Found several pretty little things. Wandered around my neighborhood because they were having a local shopping evening and bought a few more presents and chatted with a few store owners. Had a way yummy little cupcake from a new cupcake seller (it was some type of sponge cake with a cranberry in the center, slightly spicy frosting and a rum-soaked cranberry on top).

Now I’m home, figuring out what to do with the rest of the eveniing.

Hugs all.


Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’ YAWN ‘Tis a chilly iceberg in the pool causin’ 32 Amurrkin out. The weather alert thingy says FREEZE WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 A.M. Just like that with the little *‘s even! The predicted high is 68. Heh. That’s pretty much what the forecast looks like over the next several days. That means nuttin’ of course. I mean, around here, it could be highs in the 80s all of a sudden. It happens.

ShinyCat congrats NaNoWriMo win! NaNoWriMo is hard to type. Or it that just me? :smiley:

gt rum soaked cranberries? I woulda never thunk if of ya! :stuck_out_tongue:

Spaz hope whatever’s goin’ on resolves in a good way soon. Also, I anxiously await the book.

Yay for finishin’ the Nutrition stuff shortdrum!

And now this…



Whew! Now I must seek out more caffiene and brekkie for rumbly tummy. Then, alas, irk purtification must commence. At least it’s Firday.

Happy Firday Y’all!

Happy SnakesDay!!

It was 28°Freekin’ degrees when I let the dog out an hour ago. blech! The house is cozy, tho. In fact, last night we had to turn the fan on the fireplace off because it was getting too hot. Even now, there are still hot embers in there.

Plans for today - laundry - yay! And I’m hearing what sounds like a rasslin’ match in the cat box, which tells me Taz was having a fit about burying all the business in there (Ziva can’t be bothered…) so I may have to remedy that also.

I decided yesterday what my next big clay project will be - a chess set using penguins as the men. I just need to figure out the color scheme and how I’ll designate each piece. The king and queen will be easy. The knight and rook are presenting special problems. I’m also going to make tiles for the chessboard, and my sweetie will make a wooden frame to hold it all. Of course, if I can’t sell it, I’ll be stuck with this stupid chess set… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got a hot date set up while my sweetie is in the hospital. :wink: A guy I knew in elementary school and who I tracked down on line lives not too far from the hospital. We’re going to meet for supper one evening I’m there. I haven’t seen him in almost 40 years - wonder if I’ll recognize him… <snerk> A couple of weeks ago, I came across the “yearbook” from our 8th grade class - a faded mimeograph volume - I’ll be taking it with me, if I remember.

I’m really curious about his life since 1968. I know he’s now an electrical engineer working for the state utilities department, but near as I can discover without paying money to see more, he’s still living at the same place and he never married. I know his dad died while my friend was in college and he mentioned his mom has Alzheimer’s, but no word of a wife or kids. So it should be an interesting reunion.

In other news, I had a lousy night - tough getting to sleep, up too early, coughing fits, generally ick. I think it might be partly due to how dry the fire made the house. I need to set a pan of water on top of the firebox next time.

And here it is, Firday, and we’re still on page 2. My MMP is a failure. I am desolate… <insert much wailing and weeping and self-pity here> OK, so I’m not *that *desolate. :wink:

Happy Firday!