A virtual gift-giving MMP

happy birthday echod!!!

Happy Birthday, SO and Mika as well, if you’re lurking out there!

Is it Firday yet?



Happy Birthday,
SO and Mika

I checked over my presentation again, and found a huge error! I have to give it next week. I feel pretty good about it, but now I’m going over it with a fine-tooth comb.

Happy Hump Day!

<cue Indiana Jones theme music>

I’m off to WalMart…

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Well, just in case she does happen by…



Shopping was pretty uneventful. Lunch was OK. I did 2 more sections of my on-line defensive driving course (to get an insurance discount) and I’m about to assume the knit position for a little bit. Good times…

Thanks everybody! :slight_smile:

And Happy Birthday, Meeks!!

(I hope this is right . . . )
जन्मदिन मुबारक हो, अनामिका

Google Translate says: “Happy birthday, ring” :slight_smile:

I wonder if the Hindi work for “ring” sounds like “mika?”

Happy birthday Noon & Mika!

Oh, if I had one of those I’d be pounding it into the Earth’s core right now. Serious panic going on here.

I shall be knitting the evening away - MWAH!!

So, where is everyone?

Longish day, but then a haircut, a successfully made eye appointment, dinner and messing around with various electronic toys, mostly getting various iThings synched up and playing around with Google Voice. (I’m about to dump all the stuff associated with my land line so that I’m only using it to make outgoing calls and use a Google voice number instead. That lets me manage my calls more easily, block junk calls that aren’t covered by Do Not Call, and have free voicemail that I can pick up via e-mail or cellphone without wasting much time.)

Now I’m preparing for park stuff for next year and hoping that I survive holiday decorating in the morning without too much damage.

I’ll be doing some real-life shopping and making sure I’ve got a maximum number of things ready for vacation (which is a bit over 2 weeks away, but there’s total chaos between now and then).

Hugs all.


What an oogy day. The medicine for my locked up neck makes me useless for anything. I didn’t even want to make coffee! Now it’s wearing off and I’m debating whether the pain is worth being listless. I blame Colorado. I crunched my neck while visiting there and have always been a little resentful. Perfectly reasonable!

Tomorrow I’m getting my hair fixed. About a week ago I decided to trim my bangs and went a little crazy. If it were straight, it’d be a mullet, so thank goodness for curls. Now I just have to face the stylist and hope she doesn’t laugh her head off when she sees what I did.

So tell me about Netflix. I’ve never tried any of it and wonder if I should. Do you have to install something on your computer? Will it show on my tv or on my laptop? Yes, I AM that backward. You’re looking at a woman who’s never set up her DVD player and doesn’t own a cellphone, iPOD, or any of that newfangled jazz.

Happy Birthday to all those needin’ 'em! It was a busy baby-having week, back a few years, wasn’t it?

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis :eek: 30 degrees Amurrkin :eek: out. Why that’s below freezin’! There’ll be ice bergs in the pool! The predicted high will be 64 so I suppose any ice bergs will be melted. :smiley:

Not much goin’ on ‘round these parts. Just irk. Hope everyone else is doin’ well.

Now I must seek more caffiene and feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas, as always, irk purtification must commence. More home visits today. At least they’re all local.

Happy Thursday Y’all!

Blurf. Carry on.

The other kind of android, and of course: coffee, tea, infusions, cocktails (alcoholic and non…). Yours comes with a special “convince the wife that it’s the bestest thing since bread and butter” program. And happy birthday to our two Nameless Ones!

I don’t have Netflix, but as I understand it there are two parts to it and you can get either part or both. If you’re just getting the streaming part of Netflix, you get to it through your computer, but there are ways to connect it to your TV (using gadgets like Rokio, Apple TV, PS3 and - with the right kind of connection, and if your TV is new enough, by directly connecting your computer to your TV). The other part of Netflix involves them sending you the actual DVD. You can rent a certain number at a time and can get more as you send your rented ones back. I’ve heard people say that their online selection isn’t as good as their DVD selection, but I’m sure it depends on what you’re looking for.

Up and getting ready to go decorate the park for the holidays. Yay!

Hugs all.


Start your day with a cat horking on your bedspread, and it can only get better, right? Hope so. I’d planned to sleep in :rolleyes: but now I’m up, showered, dressed, and breakfasted. I’ll leave for class in an hour or so - if all of my stuff has been fired, it may be my last class. Otherwise, I’ll go back next Thurs to get the last of my stuff.

I’ve decided what my $10 crazy swap gift will be - ice cream sundae fixins! I’m going to pick out an appropriate bowl from my inventory and add a scoop, some chocolate and butterscotch toppings, sprinkles, some M&Ms, cherries - whatever $10 will buy. I think it’s an inspired idea! :smiley:

We’ve had Netflix for some months now. I can’t remember if we installed something - I expect it all happened in the background when I clicked “Subscribe” - or maybe it was just setting up an account. As long as your laptop talks to the intrarwebz, you can log on there, also, but whether you get it on your TV or not depends upon the TV. Our main TV has a dongle that talks to our wireless router, and I know some DVD players and game consoles also are compatible with Netflix.

For our bedroom TV, we had to get a Roku box, which enables the TV to talk to the router. Actually, we also had to get a new TV, because our old TV was way too old for Roku to talk to. But that’s probably more than you wanted to know.

You can try it for a month for free and see whether you like it or not. I’ve watched a bunch of movies, several series, and some things I’d never heard of before and found I like. We used to have the 1-DVD-at-a-time option, but we quit that after the price went up, mostly because we were hardly using it.

We’re not very chatty this week - has everyone gone into hibernation? Happy Thursday, anyway! :wink:

Thanks GT and FCM! I may just give Netflix a try-- after fluffing up my fur and spider-walking around it (everything I know I learned from my cats).

I read the best quote today. Miss Piggy was being interviewed and was asked if she wore false eyelashes. Her answer: “Absolutely! Eyelashes are the window treatment of the soul.” Think I’ll stitch that on a pillow.

Went to the men’s only salon yesterday afternoon and photographed hockey players getting their “Movember” mustaches shaved…I just don’ think I could let someone near my face with a straight razor…