Honestly, I’m not a pain in the ass about spelling in general. But an error that gets repeated over and over. And it’s such a common word. It’s WEIRD not WIERD. Look at this from Webster’s:
**weird (wîrd)
adj. weird·er, weird·est.
1.Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural.
2.Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange.
3.Archaic. Of or relating to fate or the Fates. **
We all know the I before E rule, but we also know there are exceptions. Weird, being, characteristically, a bit weird, breaks this rule.
Searching all fora for the last 5 days reveals 26 threads with the wrong spelling plus one with Weirddave misspelled.
For the love of peanut butter people, IT’S WEIRD!!!
As unwieldly as the spelling rule ‘I before E except after C (and sometimes W)’ is to remember, you should yield to the pressure applied by certain spelling obsessed weirdos who like to throw the weight of Mirriam-Wiebster around the board.
another one from “webster’s”
Main Entry: choosy
Variant(s): or choos·ey /'chü-zE/
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): choos·i·er; -est
Date: 1862
: fastidiously selective : PARTICULAR
(this entry was not modified in the least–even the ‘caps’ were already there)