A Wii little question

I did the stand in-line-early-in-the-morning-to-get-a-Wii-for-Christmas thing on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

<pause to let you all admire my foresightfulness>

I also bought Wii Play for the second controller, a second nunchuk, and I’ve kind of gone overboard on the games a little, so I don’t really need game advice. But what else do I need?

  1. Two more controllers? Absolutely. I’ll get these before Christmas.
  2. Two more nunchuks? Any games with more than two players at a time that use the nunchuks?
  3. An SD memory card? From what I’ve read, there’s 512 MB internal memory. Also, I have a 128 MB card I could use. Can I hold off on getting a larger card until later?
  4. Friends points? What are these?
  5. What about WiFi? I have DSL and was able to connect to a DS. Will it work out of the box?
  6. Anything else?

Bonus question. Can the Wii and a DS connect using WiFi? Can you do anything cool once they do?

My wii connected to my wifi network with no extra wii equipment to buy. I already had a wireless access point at home.

I don’t think you will need an SD memory card ever and certainly not until you start downloading lots of wii stuff (which you need to pay for). I have downloaded a few things and still have tons of space left.

I can tell you that Rayman’s Raving Rabbids games can have up to four people playing with nunchuks.

It’s amazing how many Wii threads I’ve been able to post in after one afternoon playing that game…

  1. ps3
  1. Not a ps3

rechargeable batteries. I think I finally started using them after changing the 3rd or 4th time.
the silicon grip jackets. sounds petty, but many of my gaming friends complain that the way they grip the wiimote feels like the battery door will come off.
I hear the zapper is decent, but the wheel is truly necessary to level the playing field in racing games.

Get a component cable, if you have a screen that supports that. The graphics will be crisper and is, IMO, worth the 40 bucks or so.

Thanks everyone!

It sounds like the 128MB card would be easily big enough to be usable, then. We have a gamecube, and it’s surprising how many games only have three save slots. We have five people, so we need two cards, even if we have plenty of space available. Do Wii games still have the three slot limit, typically?

That’s one of the games I bought (well, RRR2), so two more nunchuks it is.

I meant to ask about this. Do NimH batteries work as well as alkalines? We already have a charger for these we bought for our camera.

I have a component cable for our DVD player. Will that work, or is there a special proprietary Nintendo cable I need instead? We don’t watch DVDs that often, and I think my TV only has one set of component inputs. But I’ll check that.

I’ll think about this one. My sister has a Wii, so we’ve been playing there when we visit without any jackets, and it’s never bothered me.

We got a Wiicharger. It came with two battery packs that you put in where the batteries are supposed to go, then just set the Wiimotes into the recharger cradle that is provided, and the blue light comes on, and voila, they’re recharging! When the batteries are full, it stops charging them. No messing with pulling batteries out when they’re low, and sticking them in a separate charger. Just grab and go play right from the recharger cradle


Yup. It needs to fit the Nintendo type slots.
I wouldn’t bother for a normal sized CRT screen, but I’ve got a 40" LCD and the difference was well worth the investment, especially when playing games with lots of dark colors or night settings. Resident Evil 4 became almost a new experience for the richer details.

I run mine on NiMHs. They don’t last quite as long, but it’s sure cheaper than changing 8 AA batteries every few weeks.

The instructions say that you can’t use rechargables in the remotes.

They lie. I was an early adapter. I haven’t had any problems.

I don’t like the mario or spongebob games. It seems that they are just ps2 games made to use the Wii remote. You don’t have to stand up to play them.

Totally disagreed. I have a 27" CRT (by the by, CRTs are generally the best TV to view lower res content on) and noticed an immense different when switching to component, so I would recommend such regardless of your tv’s size.

If you bought your Wii recently, the silicon jackets should be in the box. And once you play with them you’ll never go back to an unsheathed Wiimote.

You can also order free jackets from Nintendo.com

Seriously? I tried one and wasn’t a fan. Felt gross.

Really? I love it. It feels much more natural to hold (like a real controller) as opposed to the too square feeling of an unjacketed Wiimote.

Of course, I’m the psycho who thinks the N64 was the peak of controller design and comfort, so what do I know?

Well, if that makes you a psycho, then I must be batshit insane, as I totally agree with that :slight_smile:

Awesome! Most people I tell that to look at me like I have two heads. Or in the words of a few of them: “I don’t have three hands, how am I supposed to hold it?” :rolleyes:

I find those are the same people who complain about the “notches” on the N64’s, GCN’s, and Wii’s control stick. They think it somehow inhibits you from aiming 360 degrees, even though it doesn’t, and is merely a tactile reinforcement of where exactly you’re aiming, no different than the little bumps on the “F” and “J” keys on a keyboard.

I poked around there and could not find information about this. Do you have a good link?