May we burn her?
See if it’s true what they say about their nipples, first.
How do you know she is a witch?
Duh. They built a bridge out of her.
She turned me into a newt!
No! Get away from me! Fire burn…
Oh. Ahem. Why not send her to the big pool of milk chocolate? I hear uh… I hear that chocolate… um… burns a witch! Yes! It is like holy water to a vampire! And M&Ms are like garlic.
puts pointy hat back on
… and why Inigo wants to burn down a witch-bridge is beyond me.
… I got better …
Excellent idea. This may take some time…
…OK, I got the chocolate syrup, now what’s it supposed to do to those frosty witch nipples?
Did you weigh her against a duck? These are the Middle Ages and this kind of thing should be scientifically, you know. If she weighs less than a duck, then burning her would be the only just solution. Even witches deserve a fair trial. You can check her nipples, at leisure, before you burn her.
It’s like that Magic Shell stuff. It creates a hard, chocolaty overcoat for them. You know…Dipped Nips!
imagines a buncha puritans watching a far-too-happy witch bathe in chocolate
Puritan: Uh…you know, she really doesn’t seem to be burning, at all. More…dancing with glee.
Pastor: Oh, well, you see…uh…she’s not dancing, per se, she’s…uhm…letting out the Devil! Yes, Satan is escaping, and those are her throes of agony!
Puritan: Oh? Well, I guess that’s all fine and good, but how do you explain the singing?
Pastor: Uhm…no, you see, she’s not singing, she’s, uh, saying a prayer to her Godless master!
Puritan: “I love chocolate, I love chocolate, all for me, yummy yum yum?”
PastorB: Er…yes. Well known Evil prayer, that. cough Now stop asking questions! Do you want to be in there with her?
Puritan: No, I prefer dark chocolate.
Pastor: EXCUSE ME!!!one
Puritan: Uh…I mean…God is Great?
Pastor: Good boy.
Good. Last thing we need around here is an ex-Speaker of the House.
Witch-bridge? That bridge.
…or a Nipple Ripple.
A duck? Only witches measure against ducks, in order that they may exonerate other witches. The only proper method is to throw her in a lake, and see if she floats and/or can swim.
Drop a house on her.
What’s all this about chocolate covered witch-babes?
Where does this line start?
I’m right in line behind you, wherever it starts…