A worldy Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from GMT+1!

May you all have your needs met and your wants enjoyed!

Peace unto you and yours-

Happy New Year’s Tomcat.
I guess you are well on your way to a hangover already.

Actually…no. I am happy to say that we were blessed with a wonderful baby girl this June, and I am just sorta tipsy at home while she sleeps peacefully! No major partying, we will do that next year when a babysitter can be coaxed…

I missed the other thread giving a worldy welcome to the new year, so here itis.


Thanks Tomcat, and a Happy New Year to Y’all!
Jake from North Carolina. :smiley:

Happy New Year Tomcat and congratulations on your little one.

Jake, I just wanted to tell you that your quote is just…perfect for me. :slight_smile: