A-Z: Favorite Author and Book

Did music. Did movies.

Amis, Martin- London Feilds
Burroughs, William,-Naked Lunch
Carroll, Lewis- Alice in Wonderland
Dellio, Don- White Noise
Eliot, George- Middlemarch
Ford, Ford Madox- The Fifth Queen
Garcia Marquez, Gabrial- One Hundred Years of Solitude
Huxley, Aldous- Island
Joyce, James- Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Kafka, Franz- Metamophosis
Nabokov, Vladmir-Lolita
Orwell, George- 1984
Pynchon, Thomas- Gravity’s Rainbow
Reage, Pauline- The Story of O
Stein, Gertrude- The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Tolstoy,Leo- Anna Karenina
Voltaire- Candide
Woolf, Virginia- To the Lighthouse
Zola- Nana
I like this game.

w - Tom Wolfe
d - Conan Doyle
p - Vance Packard

Oh c’mon! What, everybody’s spending all their time at the movies?

Everything Larry Niven wrote. (Sci-fi)
Everything Hienlein wrote. (Sci-fi)
Everything Clarke wrote. (Sci-fi only.)
The Sten series by Allen Cole and Chris Bunch. (Sci-fi)
Everything, almost, that Steven King wrote. (Avoided the Dark Tower series.)
Everything Koontz wrote. (Horror.)
Almost everything Mark Twain wrote.
Everything Dickens wrote.
Everything Ray Bradbury wrote. (Sci-fi)
God and My Country by MacKinlay Kantor.
Outpost of Freedom by Capt. Roger H.C. Donlon. (Vietnam)
The Yearling by M.K. Rawlings.
The Century of the Detective by Jurgen Thorwald.
Call Me Lucky by Bing Crosby. (Yes, Bing himself.)
My Boy John That Went To Sea by J. Vance Marshall
One Summer In Between by Melissa Mather.
Dibs - in search of self by Virginia M. Axline


DIBS??? Someone actually likes that damned book? My son’s psych recommended it to me and I have to stop and throw it across the room on an hourly basis!

What a parent-blaming piece of crap that book is! I keep thinking of alternate reasons for the behaviour of the parents. Bah!


slinks quietly from the room…

I’m going to try this, because I have a Z. The * stands for “and everything else I’ve read by this author.”

Asimov, Isaas - The Gods Themselves *
Adams, Douglass - Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency *
Burnette, Frances H. - The Secret Garden *
Cameron, Eleanor - Court Of The Stone Children
Dick, Philip K. - The Three Stigmata of Eldritch Palmer *
Ellison, Harlan - Ellison Wonderland
Fagan, Kevin - Drabble *
Guisewite - Thin Thighs in Thirty Years *
Gash, Jonathon - The Judas Pair *
Harris, Sydney - From Personal Ads to Cloning Labs *
Idle, Eric - Road To Mars (Ok, haven’t read it yet. Want it for Christmas.)
Juster, Norton - The Phantom Tollbooth
Kaye, Marvin - The Amorous Umbrella *
Lang, Andrew - The Blue Fairy Book *
Lovecraft, H. P. - At The Mountains of Madness *
McDonnell, Patrick - Mutts *
Naylor, Grant - Red Dwarf *
Oscar Wilde - The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Poe, Edgar A. - The Masque of the Red Death *
Queen, Ellery - The King Is Dead *
Rodgers, Mary - Freaky Friday
Sheckley, Robert - The Seventh Victim and Other Stories
Stoker, Bram - Dracula
Thurber, James - The Thirteen Clocks *
Ursula K. Le Guin - The Left Hand Of Darkness
Verne - Around The World In 80 Days
Whitney, Phillis - Mystery On The Isle Of Sky
Xu Xi - Daughters of Hui (Ok, I’ve never read it. But it’s a good X name!)
Y - Stuart Y. Silverstein - Not Much Fun: The Lost Poems of Dorothy Parker (I found this looking for a Y - now I have to buy it!)
Zipes, Jack - Beauties, Beasts, and Enchantment : Classic French Fairy Tales *

I agree with Reboot’s, “Everything by Hienlien”,
but would add John D. McDonald,sci-fi AND Travis McGee

Honey, I swear, I’m going to do mine over the weekend…:slight_smile:

…is everyone here but me a big Sci Fi fan?! Ahh…

Atwood, Margaret - Handmaid’s Tale
TIE! Adams, Scott - Seven Years of Highly Defective People
Bulgakov, Mikhail - The Master and Margarita
TIE! Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent:Travels in US
Clemens, Sammy - Tom Sawyer
Davies, Robertson - The Cunning Man
TIE! Desani, G.V. - All About M. Hatterr
Feynman, Richie - Surely You’re Joking
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera
TIE! Gita Mehta - Karma Kola
Herriot, James - If Only They Could Talk
Jerome K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat
Lynn, Jonathon - Yes, Minister (with Antony Jay)
Mikes, George - How to Be An Alien (and others)
Osler - A History of Medicine
Saki - Short Stories
Theodore Seuss - The Lorax
Umberto Eco - Foucault’s Pendulum
Voltaire - Candide
Wolfe, Tom - The Right Stuff
Xeno - Paradoxes and Filthy Sex
Zelzany, Roger - The Chronicles of Amber

Surely that’s enough to be getting on with…

one of many for me…

Antoine de St-Éxupéry 's “Le Petit Prince

I want to play…

Richard Adams-Watership Down
(tie)Rudolfo Anaya-Bless Me, Ultima
(tie, again)Douglas Adams-The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
A.S. Byatt-Possession
Albert Camus-The Stranger
J.P. Donleavy-Wrong Information is Being Given Out at Princeton
(tie)Stuart David-Nalda Said
Umberto Eco-The Name of the Rose
F. Scott Fitzgerald-Tender is the Night
John Gardner-Grendel
Mark Helprin-Winter’s Tale
(tie)Robert Heinlein-Stranger in a Strange Land
John Irving-The World According to Garp
Graham Joyce-The Tooth Fairy
Milan Kundera-The Unbearable Lightness of Being
C.S. Lewis-The Chronicles of Narnia
Hilary Mantel-A Place of Greater Safety
Robert Nye-The Late Mr. Shakespeare
Tim O’Brien-The Things They Carried
Hortense Powdermaker-Stranger and Friend
Salman Rushdie-Midnight’s Children
Jose Saramago-Blindness
(tie)Dodie Smith-I Capture the Castle
(another tie) Betty Smith-A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
J.R.R. Tolkien-The Lord of the Rings
John Updike-Rabbit Run*
Mario Vargas Llosa-The War of the End of the World*
P.G. Wodehouse-Leave it to Psmith
Zora Neale Hurston-Their Eyes Were Watching God*
*Have 'em, haven’t read 'em yet. :slight_smile:

Damn! Had no business leaving out

Graves, Robert – I, Claudius and Claudius the God

So many books, so little time…

Adams, Douglas: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Baker, Nicholson: The Mezzanine
Coupland, Douglas: Microserfs
Diamond, Jared: Guns, Germs and Steel
Epstein, Eddie (w/Rob Neyer): Baseball Dynasties
Frazier, George MacDonald: The Pyrates
Goldman, William: The Princess Bride
Hofstadter, Douglas: Goedel, Escher, Bach

James, Bill: Whatever Happened to the Hall of Fame?
Kingsolver, Barbara: The Poisonwood Bible
Lewis, C.S.: Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Martin, George R.R.: A Game of Thrones
Nabokov, Vladimir: Pale Fire
Orwell, George: 1984
Pratchett, Terry (W/ Neil Gaimain): Good Omens
(TIE: Paulos, John Allen: Innumeracy)

Ruff, Matt: Fool on the Hill
Simmons, Dan: Hyperion
(TIE: Stevenson, Neal: The Cryptonomicon)
Tolkien, J.R.R.: The Lord of the Rings

Verne, Jules: Journey to the Center of the Earth
Williams, Tad: Memory, Sorrow and Thorne
Zelazny, Roger: Chronicles of Amber

Atwood - The Robber Bride
Brenner - The Emperors of Chocolate
Berendt - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Chute - The Beans of Egypt, Maine
Eugenides - The Virgin Suicides
Frank - Diary of a Young Girl
Goldberg - Bee Season
Guralnick - Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley
Hamilton - Short History of a Prince
Hornby - High Fidelity
Irving - A Prayer for Owen Meany
Junger - The Perfect Storm
Jim - The Pretty Good Jim’s Journal Treasury
King - The Stand
Larson - Isaac’s Storm
Martin - Pure Drivel
Nabakov - Lolita
O’Rourke - Modern Manners
Phillips - Snakebite Sonnet
Russo - Straight Man
Russo - Nobody’s Fool
Sedaris - Naked
Tartt - The Secret History
Wallace - Infinite Jest
Wallace - A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again
Yglesias - Fearless

Favorite authors:
Mark Twain
Robert Heinlein
John Steinbeck
Glen Cook (GREAT fantasy author… check out the Garret books)
William Goldman (He’s written so much more than the Princess Bride. Everything I’ve read by him was incredible)
Stephen King
Bill Watterson (Ok, he’s a comic artist, but I had to include him)

Favorite books I’ve read recently:
The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bestor
The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (Obvious, no?)
The Harry Potter books

Atwood, Margaret: The Robber Bride
Butler, Octavia: Clay’s Ark
Crowley, John: Little, Big
Dumas, Alexandre: the Count of Monte Christo
Estes, Clarissa Pinkola: Women who Run with the Wolves
Frasier, George MacDonald: The Pyrates
Gould, Stephen Jay: Wonderful Life; Full House
Harris, Thomas: Red Dragon
Jackson, Shirley: The Haunting of Hill House
King, Stephen: Danse Macabre
LeGuin, Ursula :Left Hand of Darkness; Buffalo Gals
Michaels, Grant: A Body to Dye For
Pratchett, Terry: Guards, Guards!; Jingo
Robbins, Tom: Jitterbug Perfume; Skinny Legs & All
Tolkien, JRR: Lord of the Rings (all three)
Verne, Jules: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
Westlake, Donald: Smoke
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn: The Palace

I know I’ll think of the rest as soon as I hit “submit reply”

Piers Anthony - On A Pale Horse
Richard Bachman - The Long Walk
Deborah Chester - The Golden One
Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Idiot
David Eddings - Guardians Of The West
David Farland - The Runelords
Terry Goodkind - The Temple Of The Winds
Victor Hugo - Les Miserables
Robert Jordan - Lord Of Chaos
Stephen King - The Stand
C.S. Lewis - Chronicles Of Narnia
George R. R. Martin - A Game Of Thrones
George Orwell - 1984
Edgar Allen Poe - The Oblong Box
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
Peter Straub(with King)- The Talisman
J.R.R. Tolkein - The Hobbit
Oscar Wilde - The Picture Of Dorian Gray

Here’s mine.

Adams, Douglas- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy
Atwood, Margaret- Handmaid’s Tale, Robber Bride, Alias Grace, others
Blatty, William Peter- Legion
Bloch, Robert- Psycho
Capote, Truman- In Cold Blood
Dumarier, Daphne- Rebecca
Dahl, Roald- Tales of the Unexpected
Fitzuigh, Louise- The Long Secret
Goldman, E.M.- The Night Room
Harris, Thomas- Red Dragon
Hedges, Peter- What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Jackson, Shirley- Haunting of Hill House
King, Stephen- The Shining, Pet Sem, Christine, others
Levin, Ira- Everything :slight_smile:
McCullers, Carson- A Member of the Wedding
Quindlen, Anna- Black and Blue
Rice, Anne- Interview with the Vampire
Smith, Betty- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Thomas, D.M.- The White Hotel
Updike, John- Witches of Eastwick
Wharton, Edith- Ethan Frome
XYZ- I’m not even going to try…

This is off the top of my head, so it’s gonna have holes…

Adams, Douglas - The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul
Burns, Robert - The Collected Works of Robert Burns
Clarke, Arthur C. - 2001: A Space Oddyssey
Godwin, Parke - Firelord
Herbert, Frank - Dune
MacManus, Seumas - The History of the Irish Race
Pratchett, Terry - the Discworld novels
Stackpole, Michael - the X-Wing novels
Tranter, Nigel - The Wallace
Verne, Jules - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Whyte, Jack - the Camulod Chronicles
Yeager, Brigadier General Chuck - Yeager: An Autobiography
Zelazny, Roger - the Amber novels

Adams, Cecil - Anything (heh heh)
Bellow, Saul - Herzog
Chandler, Raymond - Stories And Early Novels or
Camus, Albert - The Stranger
Dunn, Katherine - Geek Love
Ehrlich, Paul R. - Human Natures
Feynman, Richard - Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman
Gourevitch, Philip - We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow
We Will Be Killed With Our Families
Hornby, Nick - High Fidelity
Irving, John - A Prayer For Owen Meany
Johnson, George - Strange Beauty
Kafka, Franz - The Complete Stories
Lakoff, Robin T. - The Language War
Marcus, Greil - Lipstick Traces
New York Times Book Review - Books Of The Century
Ozeki, Ruth - My Year Of Meats
Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct
Queenan, Joe - Red Lobster, White Trash…
Rhodes, Richard - The Making of the Atomic Bomb
Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye
Thompson, Jim - Pop. 1280
U - ?
Voltaire - Candide or
Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse Five
Wright, Stephen - M31: A Family Romance
X - ?
Youngson, Robert - Medical Curiosities
Zigman, Laura - Animal Husbandry