I watch Jeopardy!. I like the trivia, and sometimes I even learn something.
Today during final Jeopardy the scores were very close. The third place person was incorrect. The second place person was also incorrect, and had guessed the answer thos of us playing at (my) home had been thinking of. It was all down to the final person: Was he right? How much did he bet? What was the answer?
Blam! Eyewitness News Live update!!!**
What’s the emergency?! What happened that I need to know immediately right now this very instant that can’t be delayed at all?
The New Hampshire primaries are in! Hooray!
Congratulations, you crotch-kicking mungchugging* assholes. You couldn’t wait 30 fucking seconds to tell us this, or god forbid some other network might break the news half a minute before you do! The horror! The fact that your so-called ‘news break’ was barely a minute long is even more insulting. Go to hell.
Oh, man, that sucks.
Incidentally, to answer the rest of your questions,
No, he didn’t answer it correctly. I thought he had the right answer, though, since it was MY answer, which was
Jack Daniels
He wagered too much on it, and the gal (Lili?) won because she wagered the least amount and wound up with $8600.
I hate TV newspeople. They’re always trying to blow up every little insignificant event into a major story. Almost nothing is so important that the average person shouldn’t wait until the morning papers to know about it.
I don’t believe regular programming should be interrupted for anything short of a 9/11-scale disaster or the President getting assassinated.
I was ticked off about that, too! Thanks for posting this, because it’s been bugging me to know if I got the correct question – which I did – Woo Hoo!
The category was something to the effect of “The Business Bookshelf,” and the answer was along the lines of, "Paul Pacult wrote about this 200 year old Kentucky company in his book, “American Still Life.”
Jim Beam was the first thing that instantly popped into my head. Then Thomas suggested it could be Jack Daniel’s. I knew that couldn’t be it because JD is made in Tennessee (and I could picture it on the label in my mind), not Kentucky. I wasn’t positive about JB, but I said I’d write that down because my 30 seconds was running out and I couldn’t think of anything else it could be. Too bad I wasn’t standing at a podium there.
I especially love the way they (DC area TV stations) cut to round-the-clock snow coverage BEFORE ONE FUCKING FLAKE HAS FALLEN! Here in the so-called Capital of the Free World, everything else takes a back seat when the remote possibility of flurries presents itself.
I find it deliciously ironic that this Yankee-infested town is so wimpy about snow. Don’t even begin to try to tell me that Washington is a Southern city, it’s not anymore…
It’s neither a southern town nor a Yankee town… it’s Washington. We have too many transients to have an actual geographical identity other than “East Coast.”