I saw a commercial for Darren Bailey, a T-rump kissing god botherer running for governor of Illinois, and it made my jaw drop. It had a well dressed woman talking about having been sex trafficked and forced to have multiple abortions. And this was current Governor’s Pritzker’s fault because he’s pro-choice. Somehow.
All I can say is, huh? How will an abortion ban make sex trafficking go away? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Do these clowns really think that a pimp is going to say to his pregnant captive, “Darn. Abortions are illegal. I guess you’re free to go now. Call me for a job reference if you want.”
Isn’t it more likely that these sex traffickers would force their victims to have dangerous illegal abortions? And even if these “decent-hearted” sex traffickers did let their pregnant victims go, that victim would be forced to bear to term an unwanted child, not knowing who the father is out of dozens or hundreds of guys? No child support? Nothing?
What shit-headed bible thumping morons can even believe this?
Bailey seems to have a bee (actually, a whole hive) in his bonnet about sex trafficking. He was aghast at the Illinois Senate voting to repeal a parental notification requirement for minor abortions:
“The repeal of this legislation opens the door to sexual predators and to sex trafficking, making the children in our state vulnerable to these heinous crimes. Experts say that sex traffickers seek out states with no parental involvement laws.”
Really? “Hurray! Now that girls can get Abortions On Demand, we can kidnap them into a lifetime of White Slavery and their parents won’t ever be the wiser!”
Bailey has also compared legalized abortion to the Holocaust.
“Sex trafficking” is the newest scare word. MS-13 is old.
Thye don;t know what any of the terms really mean, and they’ve never seen an MS-13 gangster or a sex worker* in their lives, but by god they’re going to stop them.
* well, we know some of them have. They just won’t admit that the boy they paid $30 in the airport bathroom to suck their dick is a victim of sex trafficking. They probably think of him as a young entrepreneur.
I tell ya, when he started off his Republican nominee acceptance speech with something like “All praise to god, our glorious father!” I was thinking, ‘Shit. You’re supposed to put all that god bless you stuff at the end of your speech, not start off with it, like you’re god’s anointed. Christian Sharia law, here we come!’