Just saw this on Nebula.tv (actually a rare example a really interesting video that is a available in Nebula only and not YouTube):
Why Some Billionaires Are Actively Trying To Destroy The World | Nebula
It’s about accelerationism and its theoretical underpinnings, namely the theory of “four turnings”. While I think the guy who made the video does a fairly good job describing it (I had no idea this was a thing before I watched his video) but despite the fact he’s clearly skeptical of the ideas he’s describing, I’d say he’s actually being quite generous, the whole thing is utter horse shit with no redeeming features.
So accelerationism is the idea that the collapse of society if inevitable, so that rather than attempting to prevent it the logical thing to do is to actually accelerate that collapse so that then (by some magical mechanism that is never really explained in any detail) you get to control what happens after the collapse to some degree and mitigate the worse effects of it. What that “mitigating” looks like depends on whether you are on the left or right wing of the accelarationist movement. This is clearly horse shit on many levels, but is a beloved theory of both neo-nazi terrrorists and billionaires, but we haven’t got to the really fucking dumb bit yet. But to dwell on this bit for a while, there are huge problems with this:
- Collapse is not inevitable, its a strong possibilty I’d agree, but the only thing that will make it inevitable is if people go out of their way to make it happen.
- Even if I’m wrong there is no way in which attempting to accelarate the collapse will improve things. If you think its inevitable, try and make the agricultral system more reliable and diverse, make sure knowledge is spread in a more equitable, distributed manner, literally anything is more helpful than actively trying to make society collapse.
- This is not a hollywood post-apocalytic movie there isn’t just “a collapse” and then boom we are all driving round the desert in super-charged V8s fighting mauraders in S&M gear. There are various things that could be called a collapse, and trying to make them happen won’t help anyone.
- There is no sense that the people who make the collapse happen will have some control over what happens afterwards. Really mr Billionaire? You think your highly paid security team is going to carry on taking your orders when the shit hits the fan and your billions are just so much imaginary numbers on a now crashed computer? Good luck with that.
Another aspect of this that they touch on but I think serious underplay is how “accelerationism” is a fundamental part of the Marxist-Leninist theory. This isn’t some obscure little known aspect of marxist theory, a fundamental part of it Marxism/Leninism the idea that the progression from feudalism to capitalism to communism is inevitable, and the true revolutionaries should be encouraging capitalism to collapse and bring about communist utopia, rather than doing anything to try an improve capitalism (i.e. anything that might actually help the downtrodden workers of the world).
OK so that’s accelerationism, but thats not the really fucking ridiculous stupid horse shit part. The theoretical justification for this is a thing called “the four turnings” or “strass-howe generational theory”. This is the idea that all of the history of society is based 80 year cycles, where you have:
- a crisis/collapse with massive wars and violence (the first turning)
- a “high period” where society comes together after the crisis and everything is great (the second turning)
- an “awakening”. Where there is the reaction against the conformity of the high period, and people start to value individualism over social cohesion (third turning)
- an “unraveling” Where the that individualism causes social cohesion to break down triggering a crisis and the cycle begins again (the fourth turning which we are allegedly undergoing right now)
What the actual fuck! This idea that this is some kind of deep wisdom that universally describes all the history of human society to the point that you can use it to predict the future (and justify collapsing society, as it just another turn of the wheel and we want to get to that “high period” that will inevitably follow) is so so fucking dumb. The absolute best you can say about that that its a vaguely plausible way of describing the last 80 years of US history, if you attempt to apply it to older US history or the last 80 years outside the US it completely breaks down. What about WW1? What about the “social cohesion” of people who were not white cishet males during the “high period”?
Generally the most you can say about it is “yes, societies tend to do well for a while, and then they don’t, usually because of internal social pressures”. Even the idea that collapse is cyclical is bullshit. Sure it is sometimes, but far more common is they collapse and they stay collapsed, the geographic and human entity that made up the society never comes back to the “high period” (e.g.: did most of the population of the Ottoman empire return to the golden age of the Ottomans after the collapse? No. The modern state of Turkey only represents a small percentage of the Ottoman empire and even that was a poor under-developed nation, not close to being the dominant superpower it was in its high period. The high period also happening far fucking longer than 80 years earlier of course). And in cases where the society survives a crisis without completely collapsing, it is more likely to fundamentally weakened it rather than strengthen it and trigger a “golden age”. The only reason WW2 is viewed that way in the US (as a terrible catastrophic crisis, that did trigger a “golden age”, for certain members of society at least) is that WW2 was not fought on US soil, so the US had all the advantage of war spending and industry, without the whole “cities being raised to the ground” thing, that is the exception not the rule.
If this theory is the thing that triggers the collapse of human society I would be genuinely embarrassed for the human race. Say what you want about marxism but it least it was a well thought out and researched theory. This is like something a stoned 18 year old came up with after half paying attention to modern US history 101.