Halloween is next month. In early spirit of halloween I present a topic for all…
What are the accessible things in your home that could be used to commit a SURE murder and/or a SURE suicide? :eek: List them all in here if you dare.
Halloween is next month. In early spirit of halloween I present a topic for all…
What are the accessible things in your home that could be used to commit a SURE murder and/or a SURE suicide? :eek: List them all in here if you dare.
Sixteen concrete steps leading up to my doorbell. One good push . . .
In my toolshed I have an axe, several saws, a couple of lawn mower blades, sledge hammer and some other instruments of doom.
How awkward would it be if you screamed at someone that you hate them and will see them in hell, pushed them with all your might down the steps and they just got up with a skinned knee?
I don’t know a lot about murder so you may well be right, but I imagine myself dusting myself off and being very confused if I fell down some stairs. Sore, but not dead.
There are a lot objects here heavy enough to kill someone with a blow to the head. I have plenty of large sharp tools which could be used, and large kitchen knives and cleavers will do the job also. There are fireplace pokers, steel pipe, bricks and rocks, large pieces of lumber (a common 2X4 is sufficent though), a machete used for decoration, but it’s real and sharp, two wooden canoe paddles, a metal scupture made from some auto parts, I could just pick up an end table or chair and bash someone over the head with it. Hell, I’m surprised I haven’t killed anyone already with all those deadly implements right at hand.
Sure suicide is difficult, I could certainly hang a rope over a beam, but using poisons or drugs may not be a sure thing. I could seal up a room and use charcoal for CO poisoning. But if I do commit suicide it won’t be at home so it doesn’t matter.
A spoon.
(because it’ll hurt more)
I bought a magnetic strip on which to hang my knives and good kitchen scissors. It did give me pause once I put it up that it would be that much easier for a murder to happen in my house, being that I moved the knives from the drawer to the wall.
Sure murder…without the extra clause of “getting away with it?” Gadz! Tons of stuff. I’ve got knives, swords, one old cap-and-ball pistol (no powder or bullets at the moment…) Cords and rope and wire, all good for garroting. Electrical supplies: I could rig up a nasty set of bare electrodes connected to the wall socket. Poisonous cleaning supplies, etc.
Sure suicide? Most of the same things. I could also drown myself in the bathtub, or shinny up to the roof and jump. Some of my meds might do the job in a massive overdose. Plastic bags for suffocation…
There’s a railroad nearby…
We live on the 6th floor. We have two balconies, one of which has a childproof grille but not the other. I reckon that may do it. We also have a private lift shaft right outside our front door which would do in a pinch. In addition to the usual knives, plastic bags and electricity sources, at any time I may have up to 3 months worth of beta blockers and pain killers in the flat. Plus a handful of whisky bottles to wash em down.
A bathtub, a long extension cord, several electrical appliances from which to choose, and a house full of outlets with no GFI feature.
Well, lots and lots of guns, but those are kind of a gimme so we’ll exclude them from consideration. Moving along from the “commonplace” to the “try harder,” we have plenty of kitchen knives, an assortment of good hammers, screwdrivers, and other little pointy bits with handles. Axes, of course, and a couple of splitting mauls, but these, too, are a bit pedestrian. Ditto the chainsaws, although those are at least more interesting. Now, an electric drill – there’s something quite capable of violence, yet still fresh, having that certain je ne sais quoi that makes a murder interesting. With a boring spade bit to achieve the greatest possible je ne sais quoi, of course.
Cats. Lots of cats.
A leg of lamb in the freezer.
lol I remember “Tales From The Darkside The Movie” when that cat came out of that dudes mouth at 12 O’ clock.
Do you have a piano?
As a lfelong insomniac and long-time serious pain sufferer, you bet I have several nasty pills - enough for 10 suicides. One of the pills is a serious do-not-mix-with-other-of-its-kind. Once, out of desperation, I mixed one-half of one of those with one-half of another. Confused and blind for a few minutes, I understand why they say “do not mix”.
And just the sleepers are enough - there is a pool outside the bedroom door, and I can’t swim. Falling asleep on an inflatable raft with a slow leak…
A large push broom
to sweep you to your doom :eek:
My cooking.
Let’s see, off the top of my head:
steak knife
electric mains, could probably wire something up to deliver enough amps to roxor someone’s boxors.
pills, a massive dose of acetaminophen could blast someone’s liver.
several bottles of whiskey, could force feed all at once. Bonus points when combined with the acetaminophen, bye bye liver.
rope, could choke someone
power cords, choking again, or use with the mains
It’s probably easierto name the things that couldn’t kill a human at my house.
There are hammers and sharp, pointy things in the toolbox, cast iron cookware, German knives and glassware that could be brokento slash someone to ribbons in the kitchen small firearms, meds that could kill in an overdos or when mixed with alcohol, Xacto knives and other sharp stuff in the studio. Then there are things like the balcony (only the second floor, but a header could kill), nineteen steps, the bathtub and anything electrical.
Expired Salmon in a rusty can.