Any one out there that you think does a better job behind the camera than in front?
The one that hit me was Patrick Warburton but now that I think I about it, I do like some of his acting. But, I think his voice over for Brock Samson is just great.
Any one out there that you think does a better job behind the camera than in front?
The one that hit me was Patrick Warburton but now that I think I about it, I do like some of his acting. But, I think his voice over for Brock Samson is just great.
**Wallace Shawn. ** Aside from a memorable turn as the “Never go in with a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line!!!” guy from The Princess Bride, he’s really buttered his bread with cartoon voice overs (Toy Story comes to mind, but there are many, many others). And he’s great at it; his pinched, dorky voice is surprisingly versatile when disengaged from his pinched, dorky face.
“…against a Sicilian…” :smack:
Mark Hamill. Considered by many to be whiny in the Star Wars movies; rocked as the Joker on Batman: The Animated Series.
Arise, zombie voiceover thread! :zomby:
You know, I think Morgan Freeman might actually qualify. Yes, he’s a great actor, but he’s an all-time-great narrator.
Both Tim Daly and Kevin Conroy come to mind.
Great voice-over actors.
Middling quality live performers.
I don’t know if we was a better voice actor than on-screen, but he was a LOT more prominenmt as a voice actor.
Paul Frees was the voice of Boris Badenov, Ludwig von Drake, countless Disney characters, and lots of random cartoon characters. I the movie Gay Purr-ee he played a major role and even sang (!) alongside Judy Garland and Robert Goulet. He was the narrator for lots ofg shorts, movies, and cartoons (including Atlantis the Lost Continent and the Star Wars spoof Hardware Wars. He also did a TON of voice-over in movies, chiefly foreign movies, including Godzilla, Rodan, The Sword and the Dragon asnd others. He’s also a voice-dubber in English-language films, such as Atlantis. I swear he’s the Roman soldier who announcves that the slaves can be allowed to live if they give up Spartacus in Spartacus.
He’s appeared on-camera, as well, as a TV announcer in Earth Vs. the Flying Saucers, and as one of the scientists in the original The Thing from Another World.
The Wikipedia page lists a lot of his work (but I didn’t needc it. I’ve grown up listening to this guy. He was Windwagon Smith in the Disney short, and the Undertaker in Mister Magoo’s Christmas Carol):
I’d nominate Sam Elliott. While he’s not a terrible actor, he’s pretty much a one-trick pony. He’s presently doing ad voice overs for trucks.
A correction – Frees did the TV announcer in the 1953 War of the Worlds. He did voice work in Earthy Vs. the Flying Saucers – he did the alien voices (sounding as if played on an old 16 mm sound projector that had been used too many times in a high school).
He was also Inspector Fenwick in Dudley Do-Right and Ape in the cartoon George of the Jungle. And two of the Beatles in the cartoon “Beatles” (but not for the film Yellopw Submarine).
Sorry;links seem to be broken
Tim Daly and Kevin Conroy.
“Better” is a subjective term. But David Ogden Stiers is probably as well known for his voice roles as for his onscreen roles.
Still broken. You’ve got double "http://"s in all your links (http:// When you use the Insert Link box, “http://” is already typed in for you. Delete it before you paste your URL.
Gilbert Gottfried. I win.
Billy West. Does he do much non-voice acting work? I think he’s great but I all I’ve seen him do live action was comic book the movie.
Yeardley Smith is great as Lisa Simpson, quite forgettable in the 3 or so guest spots in sitcoms I’ve seen her in.
Tim Daly and Kevin Conroy.
The third time is the charm…:smack:
She was a minor film actress in the 1980s and 1990s.
Ellen DeGeneres has been a terrible actress every time she’s tried a TV or movie role, but she was both charming and touching as Dory in Finding Nemo.
Clancy Brown. Although he’s had some live-action roles, he’s best known for his voice work, such as Lex Luthor in the DCAU and as Mr. Krabs on *SpongeBob SquarePants. *
In movies, he usually plays homicidal psychopaths or sadistic brutes.
By contrast, Mr. Krabs is a nice guy!