Actors who have negative charisma

My recollection of Broderick in several of those movies was blocked by his more recent work. I’ll rephrase:

Matthew Broderick is the most boring song and dance man of all time.

I don’t know what movies you are talking about, I think Matthew retired, you are confusing him with his nearly Identical cousin. :wink:
You know the same on that did Godzilla.


Slithy Tove, thank you for reminding of the great David Janssen- the actor
who developed the facial twitch as a way of conveying emotion!

Sandra Bernhard gives me the willies. Thank goodness, she hasn’t been in a ton of stuff. Still, she’s been in more than she should have… Can’t act, not funny and UUUUUUUGLY.

NOOOO! He’s excellent!

Take Val Kilmer instead! Please!

If he inspired nothing, I would call that having no charisma. I’d just forget about him, or never notice him in a film. Negative charisma is active. It’s partially that he’s the unfunniest person I’ve ever seen, and yet everyone thinks he’s hilarious. For me, he sucks the funny right out of anything he’s in. He could have made* A Day at the Races* feel like an Adam Sandler film (Hey! Adam Sandler! Now there’s a guy with absolutely no charisma whatsoever.)

I can’t decide if he knows this. There’s a lot of stuff where you can practically see him chuckling to himself (“Gaylord Focker? Oh man, this is gonna kill!”), and then there are times when it seems like he’s trying sooo hard to be funny. Normally, effort is appreciated, but there are two things one cannot look like they’re working at–Rock and Roll and comedy. It kills either of them.

I dunno, I thought Zoolander was pretty funny. :smiley:

I disagree. He’s nothing but reasonably good looking. He’s an empty vessel otherwise, devoid of talent or charisma.

I don’t think it’s necessarily “negative” - I think it’s either zero or in the positive range. Negative would imply you detract from the charisma of other actors around you, something that repeated outstanding performances among otherwise crap casts denies.

Well, charisma to me has always been an actor (or leader)'s personal appeal that makes something seem more interesting/worthwhile than it would be without the participation of the actor. the make dull movies less dull. Negative charisma makes interesting movies duller. It’s a little harder to detect than positive charisma, but it’s detectable. Frex, the reason I noted Jennifer Love Hewitt is that I’ve TRIED to watch Ghost Whisperer, because it’s, you know, Ghost Busty. But I can’t because Hewitt’s so dull. I’m genuinely glad they don’t permit nudity on the show, because I’m not sure how I would respond to a naked JLH. I don’t want to know.

Now, THAT’S negative charisma.

And everybody who pegged William Hurt, way to go! The guy projects boredom with a power I’ve not seen in any other actor. In Dune he could have been replace by Buster, the Mythbusters dummy, to greater effect. Same with Lost In Space.

Travolta (Grease) Kilmer (Real Genius) Stallone (Rocky) have projected plenty of charisma in the past. But it may be a hit or miss thing with them. In The Saint Kilmer’s face seemed to have been paralyzed with botox and also made more meaty-looking. He was a deadening presence there. So, I dunno.

She had a dance double? I thought she was a dancer herself. I could believe she had one, I just wonder if most of the dancing was by her.

On the other hand, Kilmer lit up Tombstone. The great blah of our times has to be Kevin Costner: not just dull, but pompous, corn-fed dull. It’s like watching some ponderous ruminant that thinks it’s a sleek predator, like a wildebeest cast as a cheetah. Watching his Robin Hood just makes you wonder what someone like Johnny Depp could have done with the role.

I agree with much that has been said here, but I must object to Owen Wilson and Kris Kristofferson.

I nominate Tim Olyphant, of **Deadwood **fame. Of all the wonderful actors in the series, he’s the one I’d hazard to call a dud. Every scene he’s in feels awkward and hammy. It’s like watching Toby Maguire impersonate Clint Eastwood. Perhaps this is an intentional casting choice – maybe we’re supposed to feel uptight around his character – Bullock certainly is an insufferable prude if I’ve ever seen one.

That must have been a painful couple of hours.

I claim Val Kilmer, too, with the notable exception of Tombstone.

There are SO many to choose from.

  1. Jeff Daniels is the highlight.
  2. John Heard ties with Wm. Hurt.
  3. Steve McQueen always put me to sleep. His cool bit in “The Great Escape” with the motorcycles just irritated me more, knowing that something so cool was bogarted by Mr. Morpheus. He ties with Wm. Holden and Brian Keith.
  4. Jennifer Love Hewitt is pretty tepid. The big knocks don’t save her, esp. since she got so scrawny and lost them. She was alright in “I Know…Summer”, but even then, any perceptions of actual *presence * were probably distorted by her bosom.
  5. Steven Seagal isn’t too, too terrible. At least he tries, and it shows (operative word being ‘shows.’ ) I think that he can act circles around R. Gere, and, apparently everybody forgot: Andy Garcia.
  6. Jason Patrick
  7. Whoever the love interest was in “Sleeping with the Enemy” with Julia Roberts.

I quite like Kirstie Alley. I think that she is/was an awesome babe, so this can carry her quite a bit, where any charisma is lacking, unlike the previously cited JLH.


The following triple-header even make Jeff Daniels look like Wm. Shatner on meth.



Peter Coyote.

Lance Henriksen

Sam Waterston

Please tell me you did NOT just say “Sam Waterston”.


Oh, me too me too me too! I was reading this thread and trying to think of someone who could leech the joy out of any conceivable scene, and WHAM. YES. She’s so bland I forgot she existed. I have never understood why anyone thinks she’s this incredible actress. She sucks the talent from those around her, making even the talented seem bland. strangled noises

OK, no I didn’…Heyyy…waiiiiit a minnnn…ute…(slowly comes to self) yes…Yes. YES! YES!! YES!!! AND A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!



Vince Vaughn

Ever see Swingers? Clay Pigeons? Those two movies alone should redeem Vaughn if the entire rest of his career consisted of stinkers. But since Bill Murray has gone on to play thoughtful, depressed older men experiencing mid-life crises (not necessarily a bad thing), I’d say Vaughn is the second coming of the classic sardonic, likeable wiseass Bill Murray.

Lance Henriksen is cool.

Terminator, Near Dark, Aliens, Dead Man.

Ok, so recently he’s been slipping toward self-parody, but he used to be the gravely voiced bomb.