addicted to 6 feet under

Ok, I am absolutely hooked on 6 Feet under, but I don’t have HBO. I’ve been renting the first series on dvd… I was just going to bite the bullet and get HBO-- but I want to see the next season in order-- ya know? So-- does anyone know when the second season is coming out on DVD???

I with you. I just finished watching season one (also being an HBO-less person who rented it) and sadly, not even had any news about the second season last I checked. Didn’t season one come out a long time ago? Where’s season two already?! <pouts>

It’s good, but not good enough to get HBO just for it. I had a dumb idea recently, they should take all the HBO and Showtime shows and create a new channel for say $5 a month that would just air them over and over again. Or not.

That is an excellent idea! I’m just not willing to pay an extra $20 a month for HBO… I do hear that they reply the old seasons- but it’s actually kind of nice to just rent the DVD’s and watch them in my own time.

I think you are right, the first season came out a long time ago— they are already on like season 4 or 5 right?

I think “Ruth” and “Frederico” are my favorites! But “Claire” is terrific too!

Amazon doesn’t have a release date for the next season.

I was so hooked on the story I broke down and read the synopses on TWOP. Also, the HBO website has the Wake, and that archives creative short excerpts from the show.

It just gets wilder…

I’m hooked on this show, too. I have HBO but I first watched a friend’s DVD set of Season 1. I LOVED being able to watch several episodes in one sitting. Then I started watching faithfully every week. I think the season coming up will be Season 4.

Here in the UK, on terrestrial TV, we’re only just getting started on Season 2 (but the cable / satellite people are ahead). It’s a great show, although for me the principal interest is the very wonderful Lauren Ambrose (‘Claire’). A fine actress, beautiful and endlessly watchable.

I don’t have have HBO so like you, I’ve discovered the show by watching it on DVD. I love it! I’m tempted to get HBO so I can watch it, but that would require renting a box and paying the monthly fee and I’m not sure HBO is worth that much money.

I too was a fan until the third season, when they totally lost me by making the characters…well, to go further would be spoilery. But let me just say, enjoy the first season in particular, but be prepared for a major shift towards the end of the second. I gave up about seven shows into the third season, and so have a lot of people I know. So wait for the second season on DVD and don’t worry about missing subsequent ones. JMO.

HBO’s unveiling (ooooh, TV talk) a new show called Carnivale in September. It’s about a depression-era traveling carnival, and the characters are even more special than they look

That, combined with Six Feet Under, The Sopranos, and Wired, and their often very good original movies (Hyterical Blindness and Normal were awesome) are definitely worth $20 a month.

That’s Hysterical Blindness, of course. D’oh.

I was very dissapointed by the start of the third seaon as well, but the last few episodes were amazing. Kraus should get the Emmy this year, IMO.

I am so in love with Claire.

Seasin 3 started slow, but ended pretty strong. Not as good as the first two seasons though.

Seasin = Season

I couldn’t really get into the last season for a while, and then it came together for me all at once.

[spoiler]I couldn’t really figure out what the hell was going on with Nate’s character until the episode where his father shows up and points out that Nate is going down the same road he went down. Even down to the illicit smoking. In retrospect, it seemed pretty obvious, but that moment seemed to tie the whole first part of the season together for me.

And I love Lili Taylor, but I hated her on this show. I was not too disappointed to see her in Claire’s carnival of the dead in the finale.[/spoiler]

Dr. J