Adding a dog to four-cat household

I want a dog, but we have four cats, and I’m concerned about how the cats and the dog will handle this shake-up in the household dynamics. I’d appreciate your thoughts, experiences, and advice. Our cats are three females and one male. Actually, my major concern is for one of the cats – an eight-year-old female tabby that already is odd-cat-out; she stays to herself and hates the two-year-old male tabby. The male tabby tries to play with her but she just hisses, growls, and runs away from him. She tends to ignore the two-year-old female tabby and the alpha cat, a 12-year-old female. The young male is very active and loves to play; sometimes the young female will play with him, but most often either hubby or I play with him. (And he let’s us know when he wants to play too!) I’ve wanted a dog for years, but now I’m thinking that an older dog that’s used to cats might be a playmate for the male tabby. I don’t want to adopt a dog only to have to give it up because the cats are terrorizing him, and I don’t want my eight-year-old tabby living in fear of both the male cat and a dog. What do you think?

:bump: really, really want your input here, folks. Thanks.

Offhand, I’d either go with the older dog that has been around cats before, or a puppy of a decent-sized breed that will still let the alpha cat be the alpha. He might get swatted a few times, but he’ll grow out of being the runt of the group. Hopefully.