Admit it. You were no angel yourself.

I love going to the Pit and reading the “Kids these days” type threads. Then I read this one, and it reminded me of something I did when I was a kid.

When I was 10 or so, back in the 70’s we lived in Detroit not to far from a Cunningham’s Drug Store. I’m not really sure when it started but it got to be a kind of Saturday afternoon thing to go hang out in the parking lot. Anyway the last thing we’d do before we left was we’d pick a row of cars without a gap. We’d then run down the hoods of the cars. Then we’d go find something else to do.

I got cured of this particular bad habit. One Saturday I was last in a line of about five of us. I was just hitting about the middle of the row, when the car that I was about to land on pulled out suddenly, and bam, I hit the ground awkardly and bashed my head against the next car. It wasn’t until later that I realized it was probably the drivers intention to send a message. :smack:

So anyway there I confessed, I wasn’t always an angel. Who’s next?

I gave my brother a REALLY, REALLY mean look one time.


I used my halo to garrote someone, once.

Then there was the time I got my flight feathers tangled up in my harp. Gabriel had to restring the whole darn thing - it was hilarious! You’ve never heard such cussing, though, I’ll tell ya.

Kn(perfect little angel)ckers

I had a party at my mothers bosses house a year ago this Friday. With alcohol and everything. Both Sheila(the boss) and my mom were out of town at the time. One of the kids punched a hole in one of the doors, my freind fell asleep in the sandbox, another in sheila’s ceder chest, and another in a bathtub. I couldn’t get a few people to leave, and so I fell asleep in a closet. Or was it the staircase? I can’t remember. Anyways. I finally got up, and dialed the numbr to the house, then hung up, making the phone ring. I picked it up and did the whole “Oh, hi mom” thing, and then I told everyone my mom was on her way and that they had to leave. They left, and I fell asleep under the table.

I got caught. Amazingly though, Shiela still likes me, and she’s going to be out of town for while and she wants ME to house sit! Of course, I won’t be having a perty this time, but still… I’l have it out in the bush somewhere. :wink:

Heh. I was 14 at the time… I’m thinking I’m going to make it an anual thing, these parties of mine.