I keep getting this message that “Adobe Flash Player is blocked because it is out of date.” And it then asks me if I want “Update” or just “Run this time”.
Now I can use the run this time option to play a streaming video but I’d prefer to have the automatic version. So I try to update.
But when I click on the update option, I go to an Adobe page that tells me “If you are using the Google Chrome browser, Adobe Flash Player is built-in but has been disabled.” and “Chrome users don’t have to download new versions of Flash Player. Chrome automatically updates when new versions of Flash Player are available.” (It also says “It can take some time before updates roll out to all Chrome users.”)
I’ve checked my Chrome settings. I don’t have Adobe Flash Player disabled and I have the most current version of Chrome.
So what should I do now? Should I wait a few more days to see if perhaps there’s an update being worked on? Or should I download and re-install Chrome in hopes that it will then run the Adobe Flash Player? Or should I download a new version of Adobe Flash Player (although it won’t be the Chrome-integrated version)? Or is there some other lesser step I can take?
Maybe you have the Adobe flash plugin installed? Since chrome has a flash player built-in you should not install adobe flash on top of it. Check settings->extensions. There should not be a flash plugin listed.
Recently I got the same message from a YouTube video. I went to my list of extensions and indeed I did have an Adobe extension that was disabled. I enabled it and it started working again. But I guess it shouldn’t have been necessary in the first place, right?
When you say you checked your chrome settings, did you open a tab in your browser and go to about:plugins? If not, go there and see what it says for your flash. I used to have issues with flash crashing and the problems pointed to the system fighting between chrome’s built-in flash and the standalone flash so I disabled chrome’s and make it use the standalone and everything runs much more smoothly.
That’s what I did. It said the Adobe Flash Player was enabled but just to be sure I disabled it and then re-enabled it. No help.
The only thing that was disabled was the Adobe PDF Reader. Apparently you can’t have the Chrome PDF Reader and the Adobe PDF Reader both enabled and the Chrome version appears to be the default enabled one. But just to try it out, I disabled the Chrome PDF Reader and enabled the Adobe one. Again, no help.
I’ve checked and as far as I can tell, I don’t even have the stand-alone version of Adobe Flash Player. I just have the Chrome-integrated version.
I suppose I could try downloading and installing a standalone version of Adobe Flash Player but I’d be worried about creating the kinds of conflict problems you’ve described.
I’ll have to go back on my previous statement above that I don’t have adobe flash installed. I had it for firefox, and when I started chrome the first time it helpfully (?) snatched all of firefox’s plugins including flash.
So with the latest adobe flash installed I get no warnings in chrome. That seems to be the solution. I did not have to disable chrome’s internal flash player.
I have been having the exact same problem for the last few days. I don’t watch YouTube, so basically I get the annoying message from Chrome and the ads don’t work. I don’t care so much about the ads, but annoying message is annoying.