Adorable new kitteh cam - hot off the press!

Prepare to cease being productive for a while.

You are welcome.


OMG, so cute! I need to forget about this thread or I’ll never get anything done.

She has a video up now of the births of da babies!! When I say hot off the press, I mean these little sweet-ums were born within the last 24 hours :slight_smile:

they are getting a bath! <3

I’ve been watching for awhile now and I don’t see how they ever get any nourishment: they are never actually nursing, but always squirming around kicking each other off the nipples.

Mom sleeps away and they are a constantly shifting pile of wrestle-mania. I guess they need to be strong to survive but, geez, they never seem to get to eat!

Actually, when they’re that little, their tiny little baby tummies only hold a few teaspoons worth of milk at a time anyway.

So they’re doing pretty well for themselves, and constantly switching up at the nips means that more of the kittens have a better chance at getting colostrum (the really rich, nutrient-packed first milk) and helping out their immune systems and gut flora.

I’m impressed that with a litter that big, there’s no hugely obvious “big” kitten and “runt” kitten, but I’ve only been able to watch for a few minutes here and there, so maybe I’m not seeing them in the squirmy mass of adorable.

“Munchkin” is being fed some by syringe,she is tiny.
“Cleft” (not his real name) has a cleft lip,but no problem with the pallet… He’s the biggest and is eating all the time. He’s the real bulldozer

We had someone drop off a mama cat with 9 kittens a while ago. The kittens were about 6 weeks and in a range of colors. The rescue people that took them could not believe they were all her kittens. It’s possible they were all hers, but it’s also possible she adopted someone else’s kittens. Some cats are such good mamas they don’t care if the babies are their actual babies or squirrels or ducks.

They all appear to be nursing away happily right now - SO. MUCH. CUTE.

It’s also possible they had nine dads ;). Female cats are promiscuous if they can get away with it ( no dominant male chasing the others away ), they only drop an ovum to be fertilized after being mechanically stimulated and they clean up after every mating. It’s not that unusual for urban alley cats to have multiple fathers per litter, resulting in a very unusual and contrasting collection of kittens.

I’ve got a trio of barn-kittens that are quite possibly only half-siblings: a creamsicle, a grey tabby, and a brindled tuxedo. Lots of people are shocked that is possible, but I’d say it might even be common.

Right now, there’s only two kittens nursing. They are, of course, fighting over one nipple, and ignoring the other five.


Everybody is nipped up and napping…mom even looks relaxed right now…for her rough start, she seems to have gotten a good handle on this mom thing :slight_smile:

Just tuned in and they have been nursing/wrestling/sleeping with Mama.

How many kittens are there? It looks like four with collars (Pink, Cyan, Yellow, and light green) and at least two w/o collars .

The kittens camouflage well with Mama.

Mouthy little bunch, aren’t they?

It is amazing to watch how quickly they grow! Eyes are open now :slight_smile: Though images probably still a bit fuzzy…

You gotta love kitten narcolepsy. Fight and whine for a drink, the 20 seconds later when you are done, just bend in half backwards, snoring before your head hits the ground.

FosterDadJohn has a new cam up, too. Marge (the Springfield fosters’ Momma) and Dorothy were in labor at about the same time.

Eyes open and activity increased - cuteness reaching danger zone levels!