Advanced Healing Bandage + Stitches = ?

I just had a mole removed since my doctor didn’t like the looks of it (worried about cancer.) I had recalled from a few years ago when I had a similar operation that I had been told to use something like Duoderm, which I assume the titular Johnson & Johnson thing is (only packaged nicer.)

Having now put it on over the stitches just to notice that it says “Don’t use over stitches”, I recalled that last time I had been told to use it after the preliminary biopsy (no stitches) not the full surgical removal. :smack:

So does anyone happen to know why you don’t want to use it over stitches? Is it due to worry that it will pull out the stitches when you remove it, or will it impede healing somehow?

Stitches are supposed to remain dry, right? Duoderm promotes a moist wound healing environment, remember? :wink: ETA: I’ve had to use duoderm myself on a nasty wound that couldn’t be stitched, so that is what I remember about it too.