This vague anxiety has finally built to the point where I feel like I ought to do something about it-- or at least start thinking about gathering information regarding the specifics of making plans about doing something about it. As everyone knows, it is rapidly becoming impossible to reflect visible light or affect matter without the aid of a personal website. I reckon it’s past time I tried getting my feet wet, by attempting to establish some sort of humbly scaled online presence to more efficiently repulse people.
How would one go about setting up a modest personal website for displaying hamfisted attempts at creative expression such as stories, illustrations, possibly an ongoing comic strip, or suchlike? Is there a way to do this on the cheap? How do you register a domain name, and is there a best procedure for determining whether one’s naming ideas are currently available? Software? Hardware? Legal niceties? Blood sacrifice?
As you may infer from the tone of my questioning, I am stone ignorant of the computer machine network and all its ways. I just see other people maintaining keen little websites with entertaining content and zippy names, and I think, “Hey! I’d like to be doing something like that!” No idea if this is even realistic for me or not, but then at one point in my life I didn’t think I could earn a living either. Yet today I’m a respected professional troglodyte.
So I require an extremely basic tutorial on such matters, phrased in simple, guttural protolangauge, at the level of someone who doesn’t know what ‘HTML’ stands for. I’d be grateful if someone could point out a walkthrough for the roaringly ignorant, especially one that doesn’t unduly dwell on the fact that its target audience is roaringly ignorant. My rice cake-brittle self-esteem has enough survival challenges on a daily basis without being forced to consult “Website Design for Retarded Assholes!” from the "Retarded Assholes!"series of self-help books.
I figure there’s been threads like this before, but I have no idea what the expiration rate is on useful information for this subject. If there’s other threads that are still timely, please let me know. Any relevant experiences or sources of instruction are welcomed. Thanks muchly for your attention.