Aeschines lived in Japan for eight years!

They have really long, flash swords, unlike the ninjas.

Very long

Either in the guts, or the arms. (I had another answer, but it’s TMI.

Hmm. . . gobear, I interpreted **LHoD’s ** post to mean, “the Hillbillies have *already * won.”

I kind of figured he was referring to that little tiff from 1861-1865.

Oh, and Bob, try not to use abbreviations. I think it makes lil’ Abbie’s (oh, sorry, abbie’s) text-to-speech converter go apeshit.


With apologies to Tom Waits:

I got the style but not the grace
I got the clothes but not the face
I got the bread but not the butter
I got the winda but not the shutter

But I’m big in japan I’m big in japan but heh I’m big in japan

I got the house but not the deed
I got the horn but not the reed
I got the cards but not the luck
I got the wheel but not the truck

But heh I’m big in japan I’m big in japan I’m big in japan
Oh, and Aeschines is welcome to hang out with me anytime.

And now for a serious response. Even Sven, that you disagree with him is no reason to Pit him. His initial argument in the cited thread is reasoned, the other cites seem reasoned too. Just because you disagree with him doesn’t mean he’s wrong; it doesn’t mean he’s right either. That you take umbrage is a sign that you need to step back and take a deep breath.

I give you seven out of nine yuks! :smiley:


I’m not sure I get this one either. All those quotes seems either neutral or misguided. But then I’ve only been to Japan for a week, so I guess that means I’m borderline retarded. Of course, then everyone else who hasn’t been at all is full on retarded.

Pardon me but this doesn’t look like the quay at Teddington Lock.

Excuse me, I came into this office for an argument!

(And the OP doesn’t seem to be providing much of one, either…)

Arugments? You want room 12A.

I think his point is that he said all those things in a thread about abortion? I’m not sure. I got a little into the thread and shouted “But ethnicity and culture aren’t the same thing!” and ran for it.

I think the point is that he seems to have some really bizarre views of culture, and that makes it hard to have a discussion. That or the OP really hates to talk to Aeschines. I know I do.

I dunno, at first I thought Aeschines was just a fuzzy-headed but harmless New-age boob, but in recent weeks he seems to have become nasty, as though Jupiter was misaligned with Mars or his crystal collection got scuffed, or something.

No you didn’t.

Meh. If I’d been around I probably would have taken your side in that.

Maybe it would be a good idea to defer further comments until Aeschines can show up and defend himself.

even sven, I can’t get myself worked up into a lather over your target. Surely there’s some lower-hanging fruit around here?

I agree. You can make anyone look like an asshole if you take their comments out of context and create a compendium of them (kindly don’t do this to me, as there is too much rich material out there).

I do resonate with the offense of “guy thinks he can say any loopy thing about culture or racism because he lives in Japan.” Strange things happen to the minds of expatriates, and unfortunately it is often the belief that one is more “worldly” and thus better able to see past bourgeois prejudice and cultural limitations than the poor boobs who never left home. To a very minor extent this is true, but many people take it way too far. I think in Japan it’s even worse because for various reasons, you’re unlikely to run into anybody who will call “bullshit.” (Needless to say, some types of people absolutely thrive and flourish in this sort of environment). But it’s not malicious. It’s sort of the expatriate’s mental illness. It should be treated with compassion, not derision.

Man:Yes, I did. I came here for a good argument.
Mr Vibrating: No you didn’t, you came here for an argument.
Man: Well, an argument’s not the same as contradiction.

The above Monty Python skit was exactly how it felt to argue with Aeschines. even sven ain’t exaggerating, in my eyes.

Hee hee… you probably envy me quite a bit. I have both! My girlfriend is both taller by an inch, and makes more money than I do. (I’m 6’1" and she’s an attorney.)

Well, from a certain point of view, a practical program like a MBA program is about as good as education gets. An MBA prepares you for (ideally) a management role in a company. As such, it has more in common with a professional degree like medicine or law. It’s definitely no less difficult, and possibly more difficult than most other Master’s degrees (I should know, I have one of each). Just because it’s not a research degree doesn’t somehow make it less worthy than one that is. And comparing a MBA with a PhD is kind of idiotic anyway- MBAs should be compared with other Master’s degrees.

The guy is no Collunsbury, or anything. Mostly I came in to pit how he started this bizarre argument, and then posted every five minutes to refute everything everyone else said with the unelaborated statment that he lived in Japan for eight years so he knows what he’s talking about, occasionaly wierd accusations that the dozens of rational people (really, not a single person backs him up here, and I think very few even really understand what he’s saying) in this thread being brainwashed by PC, and a lot of “Uh, thats not what I want to argue right now” stuff. He’s got the debate skills of a very spoiled and slightly psychotic twelve year old.

It was only while doing my research that the pieces of the Aeschines puzzle came in to place. He’s not evil, but his ideas are odd enough to make for some good light spring reading.