This piece is written as I have just completed reading the story on Time Daily
(,2960,38907-101000208,00.html ).
The absurdity of anyone saying that African-Americans who exist today should be paid reparations for the slavery of their ancestors, has become the final straw to me. First of all, they demand payment by the US government for the enslaving of their ancestors, by the ancestors of “the Whites who enslaved them”. Excuse me? Correct me if I am wrong but your ancestors (Africans), were sold to the white traders by fellow Africans to start with. The slave trade began within Africa, was prolonged by rival tribes, and profited from by Africans. Tribal wars or more so the losers of tribal wars, became slaves. How dare they claim that the white man made them slaves, when in fact it was the black man who enslaved his own people and sold them for profit. The white slave traders didn’t begin taking slaves until bargains and pacts had been signed with rival tribes to do so. The best way to eliminate your worst enemy was to call the white slave traders and have them come take a fellow tribe that you paid them too. Even in high school during US History we all learned this. So who in the hell is suddenly trying to say that “whitey” did it and owes money (in modern day amounts) to modern day African-Americans, for ancestral slavery.
Second, my family arrived here in 1940, and rather than sit on their asses and collect welfare, or bemoan that had they not left they would have been slaves, or better yet been victims of ANOTHER genocide that everyone has forgotten, they worked. (We) never had any slaves, so why should my tax payer dollars, or anyone else’s who lives TODAY, be paid for HISTORIC acts . If anything picking lemons in Ventura for 10c a crate, on 14 hour days, is slavery itself. Every generation of my family has served in the military, never been on government assistance, and always treated all races fairly. But where does the bitching and whining of the few end?
In the article it mentions other groups who were enslaved, and have learned that “it happen(ed)” it was the past, deal with it, get over it, learn from it. Does modern day Egypt owe all Jews a couple trillion for their slavery? Are all former Chinese Railroad workers ancestors owed Billions? Do the Irish who worked alongside them have a special “restitution” due them as well? Does Spain owe the Americas hundreds of Trillions in reparations? I’m sure that we humans owe all ancestors and now extinct life-forms “restitution”. Who will represent the dinosaurs? Johnny Cochrane?
With as many GENERATIONS living on government subsistence, giving quotas (until recently) in hiring and education, and special programs, I think (we) have all paid enough as it is.
I want no more airtime dedicated to this foolishness, not for any minority group, anywhere, or vocal race or religion, to bemoan HISTORY. Its what happened, and its been dealt with, we moved on. We have all suffered somewhere at sometime.
"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. "
Jonathan Swift