After an arduous three months, it finally happened.

I’m a homeowner!! Woo!!

As of 3:30 pm EST today, I officially own a home. I rawk!! :smiley:

For those of you who care, pics can be found here. I’m moving in tomorrow. Unfortunately, I won’t have phone or cable back until Tuesday. Will I survive 4 days with no internet access? Only The Shadow knows.


Right on, Jadzie! I know it was a long and difficult trip…glad you finally reached your destination!

Kick-fucking-ASS! WTG!!!


[sub]P.S. You still need volunteers to help you break it in, right?[/sub]

Congratulations, Jadis! That’s wonderful news.

It is beeeauuutiful.
Best of luck with it!

Whoa! Triple simulpost!

Woo, Jadzie! Best of luck with it.

Yep yep. I believe I have you pencilled in at half hour intervals starting Monday. Of course, you’ll have to come back when the new sofa is delivered so we can break that in as well. And the fridge arrives Tuesday. :smiley:

[sub]Where’s the leering smiley when you need it?[/sub]


Go, Jadis!

Congrats … you went through hell to get to this day, and you’ve earned the joy you’ll get from your new home.

Welcome to the world of homeownership!

Next stop, broken pipes. Followed closely by leaky roof and sticky front door.


Whaaa?? Quit throwing things willya??? I know this is a warm and fuzzy thread, fercryinoutloud! Owning a home is certainly a labor of love!


What the hell? Where are the sleeping royalty? The small gong with the ear-shattering tone? The long stone hallways? Jadis? Is it really you?

Your favorite store just changed from whatever it was to Home Depot.

Congrats, homeowner!

Congrats, and hope you are benefitting from the lowest mortgage rates in the past 900 years or so. Great time to invest in real estate. And remember, copper pipes in the bathroom, always.

Congrats Jadis!!

Have fun moving! :slight_smile:


Silly girl…those are in the other batch of pics that I forgot to upload. :wink:

Heh…that changed as soon as I signed the contract. I think I’m on a first-name basis with everyone in the paint department. I had lots of work to do in order to get FHA approval.

Actually, this was the only silver lining in the fact that my bank screwed up my mortgage in such a way that it took me three months to close. The day I got my commitment letter, PHFA lowered their interest rate to 5.625%. Not too shabby.

I wish you were coming to help!! But nooooooo…you have to be running off to BoDope to have fun without me. <pout>
Thanks to everyone who wished me well!! I’m about to break down the puter now, so I’ll see y’all on Tuesday.


Congrats Jadis :slight_smile: