I’m surprised this seems to be the first thread post publication of the final report of the Hutton Inquiry here in the UK. Already the Chairman of Governers has resigned and the PMs Communications Director of the time is back attacking the BBC and the spin from all sides has started in ernest.
Read the headlines and the result appears to be BBC 0: UK Government 1 (AET) but is that correct? I am a bit isolated being resident in Angola so am reliant on the media sources I have access to and have the language skills to understand (TV: CNN, BBC World, RAI International and Sky News) plus the internet.
If I had not taken a close interest in the Inquiry whilst it was going on when I was still in the UK I would get the impression that the Government is in the clear, they did not mislead Parliament or the British people on the evidence or its treatment which was used for the UK involvement for the War - solely the ownership and threat from Iraqi NCB weapons (I hate the phrase, but what is now referred to as WMD).
My question is how have your reactions been influenced by the media sources you have available? Are you happy with the picture that you are getting?
My initial opinion? I am puzzled how, based on the docs submitted to the Inquiry published on their website, that the Report can have reached some of the conclusions it did - especially on the wording of the famous government dossier - that it was not misleading as to the threat.
How well understood is it that the scope of the enquiry was NOT an investigation into how the UK ended up going to War but, in the words of Lord Hutton himself, just:
Extract from the official Inquiry website, for the whole thing go to
However the spin continues, if some random press reaction is anything to go by:
I am not impressed by the media response, the swamping of fact with spin. It seems marginally worse on the TV than the little I have found in print so far.
With the BBC possibly fatally weakened what is the state of health of the UK and/or global media in reporting the complete picture and taking on the government if and when necessary? I am worried…