Again with the annoying commercials!

In the brief transition between the irritating know it all #1 and the irritating know it all #2, Spectrum played a couple commercials with an attractive, young Latina. They should have kept her.

Because some people will keep taking it even if they are allergic to it. :scream: :anguished:

Flo from Progressive:

EDIT: Ninja’d, I see.

I have to admit being amused by Flo’s inability to say nothing when the bystanders are talking about something she’s familiar with.

Isn’t it odd that this broad Flo has been the commercial “spokesperson” for so many years? It seems she has been there forever. Even Lily from AT&T (who is a lot more attractive) was gone from their commercials for a period of time before they brought her back. I think it’s time to retire the Flo character, who is now jumping the shark.

Please avoid sexist language in Cafe Society.

Jesus, Jimmy (JJ) Walker just came on selling some insurance scheme, and I thought he was a burn victim :anguished:

I wonder if anyone at Progressive ever asked why in the hell she wears an apron?

The original ad campaign featured Flo working at a home improvement superstore like facility (kinda like Home Depot) but instead of selling tools or home improvement supplies, they sold insurance. At the time, the apron was shorthand for one of these types of stores.

Then there’s this from Progressive themselves:

“Making progress is about continuously sweating the details and bringing an idea to life slowly, iteration after iteration,” said Jeff Charney, Chief Marketing Officer at Progressive. "It’s not glamorous, but it’s how we make things better. That dedication — to service and customer experience — is what we live here every day. It’s what the apron represents…

Oh, Snap! Well, he is now!

Heehee. :rofl:

I’m not exactly annoyed by the couple Prolia commercials I’ve seen (a drug that increases bone density in post-menopausal women), but I feel bad for all the women of a certain age who have to navigate a world that’s a dangerous mine field of potential accidents waiting to happen.

A number of older women, who all seem to be more or less active and fit, have a series of trip and fall near-misses. Until a cliffhanger at the end where a woman steps down (on an icy step in one commercial, on an ear of corn at a farmer’s market in the second), there’s a cracking sound and a freeze-frame on her shocked face. Oh no, what was that crack? Was it the ice / corn or was it her bones? It’s almost comical in its fear-mongering.

I mean, I assume the makers of Prolia are exaggerating the world’s dangers to otherwise active, healthy post-menopausal women in order to move product. At least, I hope things aren’t that bad! My wife, who is also quite active, is approaching that stage.

The one that irrationally annoys me most is the woman jogging through the park, and she makes a big deal out of avoiding tripping on a pine cone.

I always noticed, in one of the earlier versions of the series, the scene of the woman walking by the pool when she’s brought up short by hooligan kids and a rope or something being strewn in her path … watching it the second (or 45th) time you can see she’s a good 8 feet or so away from that rope and it’s not close to being a tripping hazard for her.

Here it is and the fact they have to line the back of the set with all sorts of memorabilia to remind you who he is is even more hilarious.

Anyone else just have a sign that says GOOD TIMES in their house?

I don’t know the medicine, but I get an Uncanny Valley from the doting grandpa taking his gd to the park. They swing on swings, she gets ice cream and he dabs a bit on her nose. They get home, and he swings his big head to the camera to say his lines and I get the creeps every time.

I don’t like the Jardiance commercials. In one a range officer for a model rocket meet is caught by surprise when one goes off when his back is turned. he jumps and clutches his chest in the classic, “I’m gonna have a heart attack” pose. Come on, he has heard plenty of little class A rockets go off. Not to mention that he is in the safety zone when they are firing.

Another one shows an obviously experienced hot air balloon enthusiast doing the same “clutch your chest” as she walks past a balloon when the gas burner is briefly lit.

Can we not start with the one- or 2-letter abbreviations that are suddenly infesting the Web? I think you meant “granddaughter,” but I cannot be sure you didn’t mean “god damned.”

That’s worth its own Pit thread. I’m so tired of googling ‘abbrevs’ just to read a post… (though this one was obvious, because he mentioned grandpa earlier. But for some reason my tired brain went to ‘good dog’ first, and that they were at a dog park).

I get annoyed with Emily and her watching the NBA finals apparently 12 months out of the year. I’m not quite sure why they did the commercial that way, but Emily seems like a nut.

If you buy a sandwich from Togo’s, some asshole will just steal it from you.

And they always make the sandwich-stealers seem really clever, like they’re the heroes of the commercial and not jerks who take someone else’s lunch from them.