Again with the annoying commercials!

was there a shout of “opa” after the smash?

Young children in real life are not generally known for planning. And it’s a very common trope in TV/commercials - “I need two dozen cookies for the bake sale tomorrow”.

^^Oh, agreed. But, my God she was on the phone prior to that and starting having a panic attack, and practically hyperventilating. Not smart enough to charge it on the way to school, and what did she expect her mom to do in that instant?

USPS makes their money from profits, they are not subsidized by taxes.

Fix the problem, of course. That’s why parents exist.

I’m glad I’m not a parent.

It’s understandable if you only see parenting thru the lens of commercials on TV. They usually show the extremes and not-very-likely. I mean, as a parent, I caught my kid writing on the wall once, but they never rolled around in the mud, or brought lizards to school that escaped in the car, or snatched a whole cake off the table to be caught eating it under the table, or danced around in a cloud of flour, brought a mud-soaked dog in the house to shake all over the carpet, etc. I can see non-parents seeing that and having the same sentiment as you, and those things “could” happen, but it’s not the reality of most parenting experiences.

But don’t real-life parents respond to monumental kid messes by smiling ruefully and reaching for a bottle of Wonder Cleaning Goo?

If only…

My parenting plight required an Industrial Hazardous Waste Response Team, and possibly naming my house as a SuperFund site.

And the occasional murder.

There’s one with the woman at the checkout with 3 different feminine hygiene products and explaining to the cashier what each was for, with the last one being “for odor”. Good heavens, way more than I want to know.

“Ma’am, this is a Walmart.”

As far as Progressive Insurance commercials go, this isn’t even in the top 50 for annoying, but it’s pretty sad to see how low Emmy Award winner John Hamm has sunk.

He’s done. He’s sit-com dad material at this point.

Duck Duck Go’s Every Breath You Take is at once creepy as hell and incredibly effective. Not sure whether to love or hate it.

The Uber Eats commercials which show people being confused about whether or not they can eat items which they’ve had delivered, since Uber Eats now allows them to order non-food items.

I don’t know who is responsible for the “music” here but they need to learn more chords. And somebody needs an editor.

Despite multiple use of the word “loose”, they want you to lose your body fat, not loosen it.

if you loosen it enough, wouldn’t it just fall off?

It would gather around your ankles, I would guess. Then a small slit, and VIOLA! It all falls out!