Again with the annoying commercials!

Every time I see it, which is often, I think “there’s that dopey looking little girl”. I know it’s a terrible thing to think but that stupid look on her face and the way she shambles out the back door is really distracting.

Well, insurance does last forever. Assuming that you pay the annual premium. Forget to pay it, and you’ll find that insurance doesn’t last forever.

For me, it’s the Alexa/Buick commercial where Mom (taking the kids to school?) says from inside the house, “Alexa, start the Buick.” The Buick starts, while Mom and kids are getting ready to leave the house–gathering coats, backpacks, etc.

Here’s the thing: it’s a beautiful spring day in the commercial. There is no need to start the car before you get in it; the weather is warm enough that the car does not need a warmup. I’ll use my remote starter when the weather is -20C (-4F), but I won’t use it when the temperature is above freezing (0C/32F). Why is Mom remotely starting the car when it’s not cold out?

(I’m sure that it’s to show off the capabilities of Alexa, but if they wanted to do that, why did they not set the commercial in the winter?)

This one?

I’m with you, girl.

Yes, that one. Why the hell would you start your car before you’ve even left the house if it’s over 0C/32F? And it’s warm enough that the kids don’t need coats, as the commercial indicates?

Like I implied, film it in winter, when a remote start is handy, and necessary.

Why is the USPS spending so much money on totally useless commercials? Their rates are going up, and we’re forced to subsidize this crap.

When I had a remote starter, I used it in the summer so the AC cooled off the car before I got in ( I might have had to go to the car to turn on the AC , but I don’t think so )

I use the remote started in case someone planted a bomb.

What? Doesn’t everybody?

Plus for the air conditioning. After all, this is Arizona.

In a nice reversal, it seems that Numi’s latest commercials no longer refer to women’s nether regions as “stinky crevices.”

Barkley keeps yammering … and yammering … and …

What is the rationale for that tooth gleam thing they do? I’ve never understood what that is supposed to signify.

There’s a Trope for that:

OMG, is it Barkley? I’ve actually done a not very successful Google search on the voiceover because he sounded so familiar.

P.S., I like his line: We could, but we not gonna!


There’s some commercial for something – I genuinely have no idea for what – that features two good looking guys who have apparently just bought a new house and a somewhat older women is walking around smashing plates and vases and all, shards flying everywhere, claiming it’s for good luck. (When I saw the ad, I assumed it was a gay couple, but my somewhat hipper sister says they play brothers on some show I’ve never watched.)

Anyway, at the end the woman (? supposed mother? ) smashes a last vase full of flowers and says something like Bring it in guys to get them to hug her.

And all I can think is, Hell, no, you rotten bitch! Get the f out of my house and I’m filing for a restraining order!

I’ve been wondering if Subway deliberately picked someone that sounds similar to Ving Rhames in the Arby’s commercials. Didn’t realize it was Charles Barkley though.


We have the CARBS!

There’s a local commercial, where former Suns Dan Majerle is looking over the menu items at his restaurant that are named for Suns players. He says, “Charles Barkley Chicken Pasta?? How 'bout a salad!”

Okay, so more evidence I am totally out of touch with current TV. (I scanned the wiki article, I’ve absolutely never watched any of the tv shows she starred in.)

I still stand by my impression: Anyone who acts like that in MY house will be promptly shown the door and never let in again.

I know who everyone in the commercial is, but I am still baffled by all the smashing of stuff. Sure, the breaking of stuff gets eyeballs, but what IS the premise there? I am lost, too.

This reminded me of how much I hate the Carvana commercial with the poor man’s Melissa McCarthy. It took me several viewings (easy, since it’s shown constantly) to realize the actress is not actually MM and now I just wonder if she’s purposely imitating her. Thing is, I love Melissa and that’s what allows me to tolerate her midwestern accent. The actress in the ad is all annoying accent, no charm / comedic chops.