Again with the commercials we hate

What I hate about those ads is the ones that say things like “We won’t allow our clients to be intimidated” or imply that disability benefits are a big government secret. Like there’s this big government conspiracy to keep disabled people from being able to collect benefits. I occasionally handled disability claims when I worked for Social Security, and most of the attorneys involved in those claims collected 25% of the past due benefits for filling out a few forms, writing a few letters, and making a few phone calls. I did that all myself when my wife filed for her disability benefits, and the accumulated time spent was less than a few hours…and her case went through two levels of appeals.

“Get in better shape AND become a giant douchebag with the Bowflex! Just 4 easy payments!”
They have another ad with a man proclaiming how he lives the ‘rock and roll lifestyle’ because he’s in a band and can now disappoint people musically shirtless. Rock on with your bad self, Toolio.

I hate the “take back lunch.” Lamest commercial in years.

Hate is too strong a word, but I’m a bit annoyed by the Lincoln ad featuring the cover of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity”.

I get that they’re going for the idea that their car is as cool and high-tech as a rocketship. Fine. But although they’ve chosen an upbeat section of the lyrics, this song is not about a successful space mission. Every time the ad comes on, I think “If you buy this car, you will die.”

They might as well have used “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”.

“As Lin-coln cars go, it is big-ger than most…”

Forgot one: “Turns out that asthma doesn’t go away!”

Wow, really? I caught asthma once, but it went away in a few weeks. Wait, it didn’t go away. Who doesn’t know that asthma is a chronic condition, not something like a cold?

The pedigree commercials that pretty much amount to listening to dogs eat, noisily, for 30 seconds.

Everytime I see it I want the cop to arrest her ass for holding up traffic, but your plan is good too.

I have lost any sympathy I may have had for the Geico Cavemen. They’re getting all these hot chicks, travelling the globe(dance moves in Prague), and playing tennis with the awesome Billie Jean King, yet all they can do is whine about how Geico portrays them as ninnies.

Dudes, let it go. You’re reaping the benefits. A hot babe in a bikini hanging on to your every word is a good thing. It means you’re going to get laid. And you need it.

The one I keep swearing is a snl take off, where these two women are discussing this amazing condom, is it? and this red headed woman sitting behind them makes these oh my god I’m shocked faces, then tells them she uses it too.

Yes! :slight_smile:

I also want to mention that Arby’s commercial where everyone’s trying to eat their sandwich without getting caught by the drill sergeant and they’re all getting sauce all over their faces. “Are you trying to grow a mustache?”

I just gagged after typing that sentence. I do not want to see people wearing their food, ever, ever again!

Totally agreed. I saw this last night and meant to add it.

Food sellers (especially fast food sellers) listen up: It not appetizing to see food smeared all over someone’s face. It does not make me hungry and does not make me want to try your food.

I liked 'em too. I thought they were funny: “gimme a sign, do the robot. Power down. Power up.” Cracked me up everytime.

You almost got me in trouble here. I was on the phone while a friend was telling me her troubles & I had to catch myself before I laughed.

Haven’t seen that commercial.

However, I love the eTrade Baby & Flo the Progressive Lady (tho she grew on me over time).

Word. It’s even funnier, to me, because while they’re blathering about being in the best shape of their life, all I can think is “they’re about my age… and their skin looks like badly-kept leather. ugh.” If Bowflex will turn me into that, just hand me the bon-bons, thanks.

That Best Buy commercial where a family goes out and buys an LCD TV from Best Buy. They go back home and try to hook it up themselves, but it doesn’t look like high definition. So they have the Geek Squad come and properly hook up the TV. The family then sits on the couch in the living room - huddled together in the warm glow of the TV.

The commercial then pans into the kitchen, where their dog is laying on the floor - and the voiceover for the dog’s brain says, “I don’t know what HDTV is, but I don’t like it.”

That’s a great message - you’ll be so busy with our TVs that you’ll stop playing with your dog. :mad:

Are you sure you didn’t see a version of the fingertip vibrator ad for a model bearing the Trojan condoms name?

It sounds like almost the same script except that in the one that I keep seeing on late-night cable the interloper is someone about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s age who displays this creepy leer and chimes-in that you can get one on-line @ the Trojan website. "That’s how I got mine!"she says.

As I said in the last “commercials we hate” thread, if this doesn’t cure you of discussing masturbation in public, nothing will.

Actually, the dog is lamenting the fact that because of the new HDTV, everyone in the family is on the couch, and therefore he can’t have it all to himself. Before, the couch was free because no one wanted to watch their lousy TV. The dog doesn’t give a damn if the family plays with him…he just wants his couch back!

Seems like we are mixed on the Progressive lady. She annoys me in ways I can’t define - and I’m not sure it is entirely because she is so homely.

I’m another one who likes Flo. She’s goofy in a really fun way.

So many annoying commercials, so little time.

Most any car commercial will cause bleeding from random orifices.

Sleep Country USA can shove their advertising budget into their nether regions. Did anyone notice that they hired a new spokeswoman, and then remade the exact same commercials! Arrgh!!

It has been mentioned before, but the Free Credit Report commercials with the smarmy band singing catchy songs. Especially the one that goes:

I married my dream girl,
I married my dream girl,
But she didn’t tell me her credit was bad.

This one especially gets my ire, partly because the song is such a damn ear worm, but also because basically the guy is saying that if he had known his dream girl had bad credit, he wouldn’t have married her. Frankly, I would rather have bad credit than be married to such a colossal douche.

I think he’s cute. :o