agencies to help someone disabled get a job?

I am currently disabled and looking for a job(would be my first ever, too). There are most likely some sort of provincial agencies(or even city) for this sort of thing, but I would not know where to start. Can someone help me out?

(I’m currently living in Surrey, Britsh Columbia)

I guess this should go in IMHO. I might be wrong.

I’m not sure if Goodwill Industries operates in your area, but you can check here.

I know that Goodwill does job training and employment services by trying to help people overcome barriers to employment.

I do believe Easter Seals is in BC…the very question you ask is what they are in business for. They help people with diabilities get jobs. And have been doing this for 80 years…great organization. This is to the BC easter seals…also known as BC Lions. It mentions it is for children…but I know for a fact they are involved with adults as well. Call them and speak with a representative they will at very least know where to point you. Be persistant.