Ahhhhh...the accidental email!

Not me, but another person with a similar name as mine has got the mails meant for me. My email id is surname-name-middlename, and his is name-middlename-surname, hence the goof up. Its mostly nasty mails form my pals and fwds (jokes, pics, the works). Finally, he got exasperated, and sent a mail to my pals, explaining that he was not the person whom they were thinking he was. We had a good laugh about that. :slight_smile:
But now he has reason to be thankful to me now. You see, my friend was sending me his last gmail invite, and again made the same mistake. So now the person with a name similar to mine has to thank me for his gmail account. :slight_smile:

My cousin, having an awful day at the manufacturing company where she worked in the office, sat down at the nearest computer and out of frustration, just typed out a spirited string of obscenities about how she hated her job.

For three days, it went out in the comments section of every invoice to customers.

She now works elsewhere.

I used to work for a guy, let’s call him Brian.

Brian was the president of the company where I was last employed. He thinks the world of me still, and has been my #1 reference listed in my current search for employment in another state. We get along quite well, except that I personally think he is one of the biggest idiots I’ve ever met. I despise the way he communicates and often forward his more idiotic e-mails to my husband to snark about.

Couple of weeks ago, right about the time a potential employer of mine would be calling him for references, he sent me an e-mail in his typical, terse & cold fashion.

How much would you charge to develop a general website?

I wrote back a typical response, which would be a basic answer, then questions to cover all the things he didn’t mention in his original e-mail. I also inquired as to his wife & the business, etc., you know, since we also have a personal relationship.

He writes back:

“Thank you. I will let you know.

Unable to pass up this gem, I forward it to my husband, with the message “Wow. I am knocked off my feet by his verbosity!”

Few minutes later I’m momentarily surprised to get another e-mail from Bossman, saying, “do you have a word of the day calendar now too?”

Shit! Shit! Shit! Visions of receiving a horrible job reference flashing in my mind… Quick scrolling confirms I had hit reply rather than forward. I have NEVER done that before! I did some quick thinking and tried to play it off like I was, in fact, using the word “verbosity” at his expense. Unbelievably, he believed me. I think the man’s ego is so large that he couldn’t believe I would insult him like that.

Still, you can believe I’m a lot more careful when forwarding e-mails now.

My husband once sent an email to my assitant by mistake. It had a joke in it and signed, love and hugs.
My assistant (female) came into my office with a confused look on her face, saying it felt creepy.

Tangetially on topic:

Apparently, the wife of a friend of mine had been writing her lover an offline email in some word processing program, and then copy & pasted it into Outlook or Hotmail or whatever.

Said friend returns to his computer hours later and somehow manages to accidentally Ctrl-V the entire contents of the clipboard into Word, thus finding out about his wife’s affair.

At any rate, they are no longer married. So kids, don’t forget to clear that clipboard.

I was working at a children’s hospital in 2000. One day I received an email that made no sense to me. Apparently two employees had been having an email argument about the presidential campaign, and the Republican had some very nasty things to say about Clinton, regarding blowjobs and cumstains. He’s also managed to send it to entire population of a huge children’s hospital; a couple thousand people. A couple of increasingly nasty points were scored back and forth, now being read by a couple thousand people. Eventually, someone emailed them and told them what was happening. That person had managed to hit Reply All too. Pretty quickly the emails system was shut down for the day because of the exponentially increasing emails telling everyone not to hit Reply All. They made some changes to the system after that: from then on only a very limited list of people had access to the “all address book” feature.

Well, this thread was too good to pass up, so i’ve taken the plunge and joined after lurking for some time now ( I know some of you better than my wife!)

Anyways, a co-worker of mine “Don”, received a joke e-mail regarding “Steak and Blow-Job Day for Men”, thought it was hilarious and wanted to send it to his wife, whom he was hoping would think more of it than a joke…Anyways, his computer literacy skills pretty much stop at logging into windows, so he hit “forward”, then proceeded to type his wife’s name into the forward box, “Lynn”. One problem, Lynn (his wife) does not work for our company, but Lynn Lee (our chinese quality tech). Imagine his horror when myself and another co-worker walk in, and he asks “how do I check if that go sent right?”, and after showing him the sent items folder, realize its gone upstairs!!! He goes scrambling up the stairs faster than any man i’ve seen, and begins stumbling through an explanation to her (we followed, this was too rich), she just says, and i’m paraphrasing, “I didn’t know the name, so i deleted it before i opened it.”

Needless to say, he has asked that no-one forward him anything, so he can’t screw it up again.


“Insert witty saying here”

This page got featured in an article:

So this whole board is now dedicated to oooops emails?

I once knew a woman who had been arrested, and she asked me to send an email to the public defender assigned to her case, to explain some details that I was aware of that might have helped her case. That December, I was invited to his Christmas party, in a folksy message to all his lawyer cronies. Somehow my email address was included in that contact list.

Yes! Now I’ve got something to put in this year’s Christmas letter!

How many recipients will you include by accident? :wink:

Late last summer I started getting texts from a group of women from what I gathered was in another part of the country. It was a general “my mom isn’t doing well.” They would all just reply all. How I got involved I don’t know. After the eighth or ninth I did a *reply all *asking they recreate the group thread without me. And I would also add “Lucy’s” mom to my prayer list after she went to the hospital. After a day or so it stopped.