Sorry about my E-Mail

Well, this has been a steller couple of weeks for me lately.

Besides screwing up any number of posts on this board, I find out, rather stupidly on my part, that I’ve revealed a little too much personal information about my connection and whatnot on this board.

So, I fix my E-Mail and have it sent to a special, free, SDMB only e-mail account.

Cool! I think. I can check it periodically for messages some send me from time to time. A whole account only for recieving those special messages.

Result? Nothing. I’m not too surprised, I don’t get reams of mail from the teeming minions. But I start to wonder why no one has specifically responded to a couple requests for forwarding info to my new and killer E-Mail account.

Maybe their catching on to my meandering posts lately? Maybe I’ve posted so much recently that I’m getting a backlash response of nothing? Maybe… ahh, I don’t know.

So I become a complete loser and decide to e-mail myself something from within the SD. Kinda like sending flowers to yourself. I can open my new account I’m so happy about and see, “YOU HAVE MAIL!”. Yipeeeee!

Result? Nothing. Unable to send. For a while now I’ve had to wrong E-Mail address listed within this server. Great. Not only have I apparently unintentionally ripped on people in my ‘off’-posts, but I’ve asked to have info sent to an E-Mail that no one can access.

So. Sorry to anyone who tried to get me, I’ve corrected my mistake and didn’t mean to ignore your attempts.

I think I’ll take the bus tomorrow. The idea of driving has me scared now.

Could be worse …

Are you drunk?

I won’t say nuthin’. :smiley:

Sometimes I send e-mail from my work address to my home address and vice versa so I can do work at home if I want. And since I’m e-mailing myself, I always make sure to let me know what a cool guy I really am.

I am so jot drunk android209. C’mon, whatya thin I amn gere>

I’m a little huing over, but nothing ig.

Audrey I’m beginnin go like youi!

Sober now! Yeehaaa!!

Bring 'em on.

Sober already?

You weren’t that drunk to begin with;)

I’m not as think as you drunk I am, occifer!

You got drunk because you still didn’t get any e-mail from anyone on the boards, didn’t you? Should I send you a sympathy mail? :smiley:


You can mail me any time that heart of yours feels like it.

Chow… Chris.