Ain't really said it before... sayin' it now: I fucking told you so.

I remember back when Bush was running for President and he was questioned about his beliefs on capital punishment. His answer was that basically he hadn’t spent a lot of time thinking about the issue and just went along with whatever decisions were handed to him for his review. (And this was Texas where numerous capital punishment cases are sent to the Governor for his review.)

I thought that regardless of what your opinions on capital punishment are, nobody should be making these literally life and death decisions in such a casual manner. That’s when I decided Bush didn’t have what it took to be President.

I feel ya. Really. But I think you probably should have stopped at “I fucking told you so.” I like Obama, and I voted for him, but to say he is going to effect a greater positive change the GWB’s negative is making you look a little overboard IMO. (But then I realize what happened to the *last *people who thought you were overboard!) It is just SO much easier to break things than to fix them. “You know that ship you just drove into an iceberg? I’m gonna make it look better than new!”

While I was cool enough to vote against Bush twice, my only prediction for him in 2000 was that he would steer the Supreme Court the wrong way. He certainly tried (Harriet:smack:), but the results of Roberts and Alito haven’t really offended me yet, and will take decades to unfold. I’ll be warming up my “I fucking told you so!” for like 2030.

Sounds like our guy…

“During his tenure, Bush signed the execution warrants for more death row inmates than any other Governor in the history of Texas, averaging a death every nine days.[6] The only death penalty case among the 153 that came across George W. Bush’s desk in his tenure as Texas Governor in which Governor Bush intervened and commuted the death sentence was that of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.”

Bolding mine. I’m glad you pointed the bigotry out. Too many people are too willing to want to say we’re a big melting pot but disregard anyone who isn’t like us. I guess they forget almost everyone in the US is a descendant of immigrants and in some cases (like me) people that were forcibly moved here and made to work and slaves. We may need better border control but a heavy handed action like shutting the borders isn’t a well thought out strategy. kinda like the McCain campaign.

Wait a minute. You expect us to believe that you were scorned on the SDMB for badmouthing a conservative?


What took 'em so long?

They really are dumb – shouldn’t they have done that at the beginning of their administration? Imagine how much bigger The Dick’s checks from Halliburton would have been!

Mebbe President Obama can issue an Executive Order declaring the past eight years null and void.

And they are legion!

I am in despair

Feel free to gloat all you want. You were right (well, except you predicted their demise in '04. ::sigh:: Would that it had been. But better late than never).

A Stoid fan.

I don’t think it counts when I’m a bigger fan of the fan than the fan is of me, darlink.

When he said the state of Texas has never executed an innocent man,I knew he was a liar or stupid. Turns out he was both.


(referring to Shayna’s quote)

I remember telling my sister (she’s to the right of almost everyone) that I feared that Bush would manage to destroy our country if he lasted two terms. That hasn’t come to pass, but it’s not because he hasn’t tried. In fact, he’s continuing to try even as we speak by signing 11th hour laws that further deregulate air, water, and emission standards. The next prez will spend the first four years trying to undo the damage wrought to our constitution, our reputation and our economy by this fucking gang of thugs.

I read that as hoping it would happen, rather than predicting it.

Nope, the money part is bad, but it’s just money and we can make more. How about the torture part? The domestic spying part? The goddamned motherfucking eleven hundred “fuck you” signing statements? The sovereign presidency thing? The “Constitution free zones” where 2/3 of Americans live and work and can be rousted and/or imprisoned indefinitely for no reason without access to due process? The failure to respond to Katrina that has left one of our oldest cities destitute and broken with no end in sight? Gitmo? Abu Ghraib? The rest of the overseas prisons where we keep inconvenient people? The current glut of deregulation that’s taking place with zero congressional input or oversight? The gutting of our first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth amendment rights?

As for Iraq, it’s not the money–it’s the 4000+ of our service people who won’t be coming back, and the damaged ones who’ve come back to inadequate medical care and indifferent mental health screenings that bother me more. The homeless vets, who served and came back to an economy where they can’t get a fucking job. The poor stop-lossed bastards who keep getting sent back into the meatgrinder, over and over.

I’d almost be willing to believe in a god, if it meant that Dubya would pay for his crimes for eternity.

In 2004, I said that the only good that would (hopefully) come out of “4 more years” would be that the Republicans wouldn’t be able to escape the blame for what they’ve wrought, pinning it on a Kerry administration. With a now 22% approval rating for the Bush admin (tied with LBJ for lowest ever), it seems that at least that much has come to pass.

While I’m glad for it, and glad that it’s led to a Democrat resurgence, I can’t help but feel that no matter what the future holds, the last 4 (actually, 8) years has been a net loss for the country. :frowning:

I am coming into this thread for two reasons. The first is to admit that, given my vote in 2000, I bear small but measurable culpability for the Bush reign of idiocy, and for that I apologize.

The second and more important is to tell Rand Rover to** fuck off.**

There. I feel better than James Brown.

Have you seen that video of him mocking a woman whosedeath order he signed? Guy deserves to be punched in the dick.

Who, not whom. Otherwise, hope you’re right. I felt good voting for him.

Err, what exactly is this one about? I have trouble keeping track of the administrations shenanigans sometimes.

At least the thread Shayna linked to was from when I had no internet access, so there don’t seem to be any embarrassing statements I need to retract in it.

It’ll be interesting to see the lucrative Board of Director posts these fuckwads all settle into after they’re out of office. Of course, they should die in prison; that’d be nice.

You really are a hateful cunt, aren’t you?