It’s official.
I find it ironic that he says he’s more qualified than other contenders, yet he’s never held a public office ever.
It’s official.
I find it ironic that he says he’s more qualified than other contenders, yet he’s never held a public office ever.
I find it interesting that anyone pays attention to him. Hasn’t he proven himself to be ever-so-slightly out there? But a man’s gotta have a dream, right?
It’ll give him a platform to run his mouth some more. That is about all it will amount to in the end.
Gee, Splanky, you’re a card!
Sharpton–for Prse—hee-hee-hee-hoo! Only choice worse than GeorgeW.
What a joke. Is Tawana Brawley going to be his running mate?
Yeah, I heard about that. Hilarious!
Remember when Sharpton went to Israel to promote peace (as if having Arafat there wasn’t bad enough–he had to be there, too).
Also, from the same site as cited above (because I’m a lazy bastard):
The man is just plain strange (IMHO) . ( And no it’s not about him being black, I would vote for Colin Powell in a heeart beat, but Al Sharpton is wayyyyyy out there.)
If you look up “demagogue” in a good illustrated dictionary you will find a picture of the Reverend Mr. Sharpton.
Since I live in a sleepy town in West Texas, and I’ve never been to the East Coast (except Washington D.C. in 1989!) just how important is Al Sharpton in New York? And while I don’t want to ask a question like “what do blacks think of Al Sharpton”, well how important is he, compared to Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan (who has been very quiet lately), and others.
As I see it a vote for Al Sharpton is essentially a protest vote, not that its bad to protest.
A vote for Sharpton would be more like a “nutty” vote. His candidacy will serve a small personal agenda nothing more.
[Eddie Murphy, as a white guy who voted for a black guy just as a goof]
“He fucking won?!”
Y’know, today was Jesse Ventura’s last day as Minnesota’s governor. Maybe Al could use him as a running mate…
Nope, I think he’s decided to run with Malcolm X.
<duck and run>
For President: Al Sharpton
For Vice Pres.: Archie Bunker
Secretary of State: Moms Mabley
Secretary of Defense: Strom Thurmond
Secretary of Labor: Pa Kettle
Attorney General: Perry Mason
Secretary of Education: Engleburt Whatshisdink
Now there’s the ticket!
Sharpton made a speech in my (major) city yesterday, chiding the Democrats for taking the black vote for granted. Fair enough.
But one camera angle from the back of the room showed only about 12 people there, including reporters. There may not have been any real supporters showing up for him at all.
The guy’s good at getting himself on TV, sure, but don’t fool yourself into thinking he has the support of a significant constituency. He does, however, help give the GOP a bogeyman.