Albeto Gonzales Resigned!


I had a great reply in mind when I hit the “Reply” button, but now I’ve forgotten it.

Maybe being called before Congress would help? Nah.

I love Bush’s comments:

He said more, but I can’t recall what it was.

Yeah, that is sad. All he was doing was trying to help the world by carrying out his godfather’s hitlist of “not sure of their loyalty” judges and not being able to recall it and he can’t do this because some people (and I’m not pointing fingers- DEMOs!) pervert the political process to carry out petty political grudges.

The pity is he resigned too late for them to put an ad in Sunday’s paper for his replacement, and that’s the big day for job seekers. Maybe he’ll get some qualified applicants anyway.

I had secretly hoped that during the hearings he would be asked whether he had sustained multiple blows to the head. That might have accounted for his memory problems.

In the Bush administration? Qualified candidates need not apply.

An interesting take on the timing of all this.

neener, neener, neener

I can’t help but think of the term “recess appointment”.

No shit. In such a rush that the OP didn’t even spell Alberto’s name right. That’s pretty bad.

What’s the rush, devilsknew? With Tuckerfan on sabbatical, you only had to beat Brainglutton to the punch. lol.

His remarks went on far too long. “Goodbye” is all I really needed to hear him say, seeing as how “I’m sorry” was unlikely in the extreme.

‘Adios’ would have been shorter and more culturally correct.

I would have preferred Bush’s saying “Vayamos,” while holding Gonzalez’ and Cheney’s hands, on the way out the door.

FUCK! There’s a typo on a web page. Sooner or later it was bound to happen.

That was no typo, it was a transparent and intentional mockery of a Hispanic name. This kind of antihispanitism makes me feel exactly like I have literally been frottered by a gang of Nazis.

Perhaps Harriet Miers is still available?

I’m gonna be the first Doper to predict that Bush will appoint an interim AG during the Congressional recess that begins on October 26. I believe that would put his appointee in office through January of 2009 – long enough for Bush to clear out of town after the elections, and to stonewall investigations during his remaining time in office.

The timing is too good. It is certainly plausible to claim that a suitable candidate can’t be recruited, vetted, nominated and confirmed before then. And “in time of war” Bush will claim that the position can’t be left vacant for any longer.

No, I think it was a typo of “albedo”, suggesting just how white Gonzales really is.

Considering the hay Dems are making over the “is Obama black enough?” Pubbie talking point, the hypocrisy is quite breathtaking. ::sigh::

Note that this comes after what the President calls months of unfair treatment. Yeah, I wonder what Padilla thinks of how long and how unfairly the guy who called the Geneva conventions “quaint” was treated. Or, how he would feel about it if he hadn’t had a mental breakdown from prolonged torture.

Sampiro, you beat me to it. Weren’t several judges who, presumably, talented and honorable people fired by the AG’s office for political reasons? So many cliches come to mind, but I think with “As you sow, so shalll you reap.”