Albeto Gonzales Resigned!

Can’t be done. Reid is having somebody come in just often enough that the Senate is always officially in session, just to prevent any more interim appointments. I think he started it several months ago, but now it’s really convenient. :smiley: (That is, of course, presuming that a department secretary can be put in through an interim appointment.)

I don’t think the words “talented and honorable” mean what Bush thinks they mean.

If there’s any upside to this, it’s that he wasn’t allowed to be a Supreme Court Justice of the US.

Can you give me a site on this. AFAIK, this is not possible.

Gonzales is a self-satisfied, porcine piece of SH1T!!!

Away with you mutherfucker, can you hear me you cocksucking mutherfucking SON of a B1TCH!!!


That would be conniving and manipulative though. We’re talking about our government here. Checks and balances, plus the usage of democratic processes, ensures that anyone found to be untrustworthy by the populace would be stopped, and replaced. Elected officials that perform poorly don’t get elected to another term. Ever. Appointed officials need to be chosen carefully too, because if they fail to do a heck of a job, it reflects negatively on the person that appointed them. Anyone that reads the paper at all, knows that public opinion polls are constantly being taken, and need to be taken seriously.

Whomever replaces AG (hehe, wonder why he was chosen) will be the most suitable person for the job. Possibly it will be an undocumented lesbian on life support, or maybe a color blind, Scientologist vegan.

All the people in the current administration that have come under fire have been quiting. There is only one reason this could be, their consciences are telling them to do the right thing. If Bush’s approval rating ever fell below 85%, he’d probably just quit and let Cheney run the company, er, country.

Our government is really just trying to make things better for everyone. It so happens that our governmental employees are part of “everyone”, so it’s ok if they do themselves a favor every now and then. I just wish that Bush would take a vacation every once in a while, being POTUS is hard work! Maybe a break would clear his mind of all of the global solutions he’s constantly working on. The ranch in Crawford is nice I’m sure, but Camp David almost saw no usage at all. I mean the place probably still has the original toilet paper rolls in it. Well, at least he isn’t going to some elitist place like Kennebunkport, that place is for weirdos. Also, I hear that the water there creates birth defects that don’t show until after middle age.
Anyways, back to the topic at hand. Who might be the next selection? Archie Griffin, two time Heisman trophy winner? Arlo Guthrie, is he dead? Alec Guiness, nah he’s dead. Ooooh, Alan Greenspan!

Whomever is chosen, I’m sure we’ll all be happy with it.


After I heard, I immediately went over to, to get their take. They had the “Deathwatch/Gonzo Meter” running for several months. They finally gave up and admitted that he had bested them. Now they’re running an amusing article that admits that he fooled them twice, so to speak.

Slate doesn’t seem to require that long commercial sit through anymore to view for free, so no reason not to link it: Gone Gone Gone, He’s Been Gonzo Long. I bet reason #3.

They do seem to be dropping like flies don’t they?

Alberto Gonzales

Karl Rove

Tony Snow

The rats know when to jump ship. I love how Bush is putting the blame on the Democrats for this, the guy voluntarily resigned did he not?

Well, they hounded him, didn’t they? Not only did they force the poor man to admit that he has the mental retention of cottage cheese, they badger his subordinates and colleagues into unanimous contradiction: he swears his was in Tahiti eating mangoes, they all swear he was in an igloo chowing down on walrus blubber. Goes to visit a sick friend in the hospital, and just happens to absent-mindedly bring along a memo, something innocuous, the office Christmas party list, football pool, final destruction of American civil liberties, something like that…and the Dems get all upset over it, like its a BHAD, or something!

And all those US attorneys, they all serve at the pleasure of the President! That’s a true fact, you could look it up! And its just this kind of stuff which is why they never win any elections!

Aw, rats. We won’t have Speedy Gonzales to kick around any more.

A legacy to make his grandchildren proud:

A party yes-man so corrupt and cynical that it made the nation pine for Ashcroft.

Plonk, you fucking jackass. Plonk.

Isn’t calling someone with Gonzales’ mental acuity the equivalent of giving a 350 lb man the nickname “Slim”?

Well, yes. It’s called Irony. Or Sarcasm. Something. I forget.

I was giving you a less-than-straightforward compliment.


Here is what I found after a minute or so of searching. It is the Talking Points Memo muckraker page, so conservatives, get your truth shields up! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what Reid “plotted”, but what that story amounts to is simply that Bush has promised not to make recess appointments in exchange for some future political favors. So the deal is as good as his word, and should he choose to do so, Bush can still make recess appointments if he sees fit.

Tho I just can’t imagine Bush reneging on his word. :rolleyes:

Harry, don’t let him have any until he actually marries you!

TPMCafe has the best one-liner on this I’ve heard yet:
Fredo has finally gone fishing”*
Yeah, he sleeps with the fishes, LOL

*allusion to a scene in a very famous movie, The Godfather Part II