Does anyone still remember the great and not so great album covers from the past? You could listen to the music and get lost in the art. A few of my favorites…<hr>
Allman Brothers “Eat a Peach”
Uriah Heep…“Look at yourself” (You actually could)
The Beatles…“Yellow Submarine”
You have any favs or hates?
In history they will not fill their heads with battles, nor in geography with fortresses, for it becomes them just as little to reek of
gunpowder as it does the males to reek of musk.
Bruce Sprinsteen–“Born to Run.” Best album cover EVER.
The Rolling Stones–“Sticky Fingers.” Only the ones with the real zipper on 'em, and only the vinyls, not the CD’s (which, on account of their attempts to put on zippers, have ended up in really funky packages).
“History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.” -Winston Churchill
I just bought a copy of Blood, Sweat, & Tears’ CHILD IS THE FATHER TO THE MAN after reading about it in the “Underappreciated Rock Music” thread.
Got a BIG kick out of the cover art…each band member is sitting with a small boy on his lap, and photos of each musician’s face have been laid over the kids’ heads.
A guy by the name of Gary Smith used to do the covers for Savatage albums (and one Omen album that I’m aware of). They appear to be airbrushed. Great covers–lots of detail. The skin tones are unreal (meaning very real).
"Sgt. Pepper. Love staring at it, and trying to decide whether or not Paul was dead at
the time they made that album. "
Don’t you mean Abbey Road Cristi? I do believe that that was the one that gave rise to the whole “Paul is dead” theory…
And(for sheer simplicity) I’d have to add that Spinal Tap’s Album “Smell The Glove” has a pretty cool cover as well.
Faces – Peter Gabriel
Houses of the Holy – Zep (also great for de-seeding pot)
Cap’n Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy – Sir Elton John (Not only the cover, but the album sleeves were cool too)
[Robert Plant]Does anyone remember album sleeves?![/Robert Plant]
“Though I hate 'em, I’ll defend to my death your right to use smilies.”
Forward deployed until 18AUG00
I have a record by a band called Jo Jo Gunne. the cover art (it’s a fold-out!) features an obese woman completely nude. On the outside, she’s flying through the air above the band, who are in bed. Inside she’s laying on the floor, and a piglet is sniffing her. The liner notes to the album are scrawled onto her body in hadwritten letters (they’re writtin onto the PHOTO of her body, that is.)
To me, this is at once the most fascinating and disgusting and most humorous album cover I’ve ever seen!
The band isn’t that great (to me) and I have to admit that this is the only album I’ve ever bought just for the cover. Look it up sometime if possible!
Also- I have a question. I remember well the ‘Sticky Fingers’ albums, but could never bring myself to unzip one, because, well, I didn’t wanna look, uh, well, like I was interested in finding out what was, er, behind the zipper. Now that I’m so much more comfortable with myself, uh, what’s behind it???
My favorite album cover is “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan,” but I also like “The Velvet Underground and Nico.” Speaking of, what is that Leonard Cohen album where he’s holding a banana on the cover? I like that one, too.
Thick as a Brick (the original long foldout one)
Living in the Past (the original 10+ page booklet one)
A Passion Play (the original with the play program in the middle)
Broadsword and the Beast
Stand Up (with the popup in the middle)
“it’s all real”
“I KNEW IT!!!”
O p a l C a t
How can all you hip people forget the Big Brother & Holding Co. album (I forget its name, but it has “Summertime” and “Peice of My Heart”) whose cover was done by R. Crumb?
Nu Vo: The “Paul is dead” stuff started well before Abbey Road. There are a few hints on Sgt. Pepper, on the cover and in at least one of the songs, “Tomorrow Never Knows.”
Changing my sig, because Wally said to, and I really like Wally, and I’ll do anything he says, anytime he says to.