ALERT! ALERT! "The Incredibles" DVD. Pre-ordering now!


I wish the Board had an Excited/Bouncy Smilie!

WHHHEEEEEEEEE!!! :cool: :slight_smile: :smiley:

BTW–please bump this. :slight_smile:

Alert! Alert!

You linked to the fullscreen version! :wink:

Here’s the widescreen, for those of us who hate to make full use of our TVs: Incredibles widescreen

I haven’t seen it yet (don’t get to the movies much), but I’m psyched to own it. Thanks for the heads up, Bosda.

Ummm…just what is the difference?

I’m confused, please explain. :confused: :confused:

What is the difference between a fullscreen dvd & a widescreen dvd?

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

$17.99 plus shipping?

I’ll wait till release day and get it at target for $14.99.

Actually, I believe the only difference, being that it’s a Pixar animation, will be in composition. Normally, I prefer widescreen so stuff doesn’t get cut off of the sides, but I believe that Pixar, and maybe Dreamworks too, actually move stuff around in the fullscreen versions so that you don’t lose anything, like you would in a normal movie that get cut to full screen.

No big deal, either way- I was more joking with you than anything else, as I’ve seen widescreen v. fullscreen debates here go wildly in favor of the widescreeners.

see here