I wish the Board had an Excited/Bouncy Smilie!
I wish the Board had an Excited/Bouncy Smilie!
BTW–please bump this.
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You linked to the fullscreen version!
Here’s the widescreen, for those of us who hate to make full use of our TVs: Incredibles widescreen
I haven’t seen it yet (don’t get to the movies much), but I’m psyched to own it. Thanks for the heads up, Bosda.
Ummm…just what is the difference?
I’m confused, please explain.
What is the difference between a fullscreen dvd & a widescreen dvd?
$17.99 plus shipping?
I’ll wait till release day and get it at target for $14.99.
Actually, I believe the only difference, being that it’s a Pixar animation, will be in composition. Normally, I prefer widescreen so stuff doesn’t get cut off of the sides, but I believe that Pixar, and maybe Dreamworks too, actually move stuff around in the fullscreen versions so that you don’t lose anything, like you would in a normal movie that get cut to full screen.
No big deal, either way- I was more joking with you than anything else, as I’ve seen widescreen v. fullscreen debates here go wildly in favor of the widescreeners.