Alex Jones... A Serious Question

Perhaps. Perhaps not. All I know is that he’s a mean and despicable person who is willing to inflict pain & suffering on grieving people for his own profit. Case in point: taunting the parents of Sandy Hook victims. :mad:

I’m less concerned with Alex Jones than with his followers. Like Edgar Welch, the pizza parlor gunman. I cannot comprehend the level of stupidity and insignificance a person must experience to actually buy into these lies. I keep hoping to find some kind of explanation that I can appreciate, and I keep on being disappointed.

My big question has always been why he isn’t continually being sued into poverty. Or at least restraining order.

Case in point: his recent attacks on Robert Mueller. He accused Mueller of being a pedophile, then backed off that a bit and said Mueller just arranged encounters for pedophiles and protected them.

How is that not actionable? I know the Sandy Hook parents are suing him, but there must be a dozen other cases that could potentially be actionable.

I think it’s the old National Enquirer conundrum. Suing puts false accusations in the limelight, and the accused has access to legal help that could prolong the case indefinitely (and expensively).

The “serious question” in the OP came up in the recent/ongoing David Icke thread. There are legions of such people infesting the Internet/public discourse (I see this all the time when checking out health/medical-related bizarreness), flaunting extreme and ridiculous conspiracy theories and overseeing evidently lucrative websites selling nonsensical opinions and products to help you survive the Toxic Vaccine Chemtrail Apocalypse. If they all were paranoid schizophrenics with out-of-control delusions they’d be living in poverty beneath an overpass. But they have enough business savvy to market their loony beliefs to the less fortunate multitudes, and that’s all that counts.

Actually, it was one of his chief henchmen that said that. The big guy just nodded sagely.

Alex Jones doesn’t believe what he says entirely, often hes using very vague analogies and doesn’t have the mental capacity or vocabulary to express himself. First and foremost he’s just trying to feed his family, he knows the shit he shot at says is often bullshit. There is a good bit he also believes in. His character projects emotionally invested conspiracies that people either A) find hilarious and take politics as a troll/game or B) are stupid enough Takeo believe everything he says, or C) belief in half of what he says, and understanding ofsatirical or plain bullshit trolls.

IANAL, but here’s what I can tell:

  1. Mueller faces extra hurdles as a public figure pursuing a defamation case. As to one of those hurdles, proving actual malice, the DMLP points out
  1. Mueller would also have to prove that Jones’s statements could reasonably be taken as statements of fact. Ken White from Popehat (who’s really entertaining on defamation/speech cases) points out that DJ Trump got a defamation case against him thrown out because the judge bought the argument that reasonable people wouldn’t take his defamatory Tweet seriously – in part because he’s a troll and a bullshitter on Twitter all the time, basically. (Also because it was a passing and vague statement, yadda yadda.)

sure he does, but he also believes the opposite.

The ability of people to believe contradictory things, or to abandon and then re-embrace belief as convenience dictates, is truly remarkable.

Today, he says he’s a journalist. A journalist who’s “just asking questions.”

Is there a way to make the emojis bigger? I need a bigger :rolleyes: for this one. As one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys said

So far Mr. Jones does not have a good track record in court; I can’t wait to see how this one turns out!