So sometime in the near future an incredibly powerful and advanced alien spaceship, the General Contact Unit ‘Poke It With A Stick’ rocks up in Earth orbit and makes contact. Although it has a humanoid crew, like other Culture ships they are pretty much just along for the ride and power, control and decision-making rests with the sentient onboard AI (called a ‘Mind’).
The ships Mind makes contact with Earth’s authorities and announces that it has been decided to offer full participation and membership for Earth into The Culture itself. This is a post-scarcity society and a loose collective of different species and advanced machines with full citizenship rights. It is basically a materialist utopia, biological members have all their wants and desires catered for, there is no hunger, no suffering, equal rights and opportunities for all, open-ended lifespan, control over a persons physical appearance, sex-changes at will, non-habit forming and harmless drugs, awesomely advanced tech etc
For those who aren’t satisfied with a life of endless hedonistic pleasure there is the ‘good works’ branch called ‘Contact’ where interested citizens can help spread the good news of Culture society to other planets and civilisations and either overtly or covertly help them move away from barbarism to a more civilised state (pretty much the anti-prime directive)
All they ask is that Earth humans play by the same rules as everyone else and if we do so they’ll welcome us with open arms to play a full part in their society.
This however is the catch, although biological citizens and sub-Mind AI’s live in an effective paradise, real power and control rests with the Minds, benign AI’s with effectively godlike capabilities. Although any decision with Culture-wide ramifications are decided by a universal franchise vote its clear that this is only at the sufferance of the Minds, they don’t actually have to listen to us any more than we would listen to our pets. But they really are genuinely benign and have the best interests of all Culture citizens at heart, it is extraordinarily unlikely that they’ll ‘go bad’ and turn against the biological members of their society.
So basically if we sign up all the problems we have as a species will be solved in one fell swoop and everyone alive now and born in the future will be able to live in an effective paradise but as a consequence our destiny and direction will be taken out of our hands and ceded to that of the Minds.
Yay, or nay?
*For anyone who is interested: The Culture - Wikipedia , I’m really only touching the surface in the above
** the scenario doesn’t have to necessarily be ‘The Culture’, just an alien society of similar tech and capabilities, basically the question is would and should we accept the solution to all our problems with the side-effect that human destiny is no longer our own to control?
*** poll is public