All alone in someone else's house.

It’s weird. It shouldn’t be weird though, because I know I’m more than welcome here even if no one’s home. But here I am at a house that doesn’t belong to me, all by myself, using their computer for my own entertainment purposes. I could go home, sure. Absolutely. Why don’t I then? No idea. So now I’m just going to sit here.

Anyone else do this?

Didn’t think so.

Like AIM me or something, I’m just sitting around too.

me and my brothers get to housesit a multi-million dollar beachfront house. Just the 4 of us and tons of fun. My mom has worked with the woman who owns the house for years and has become a family friend. She leaves for her trip of Europe every summer and me and my brothers are left in charge.

Good times… good times.

I would Silo, except these people don’t have AIM. They suck.

Maybe I’ll go home now.

Ok, well I’m gonna run and grab a quick (late) lunch. Talk to ya soon!

I’m doing exactly the same thing right now… for the next week, at least. My brother and his family went on vacation, and asked me to housesit. So, here I am, playing on his computer. In some ways, I’d prefer to go home… faster machine, cable modem, so I’m not tying up a phone line… Why don’t I? Because here, I am alone and there I’m a 27 year old who is made to feel like a 16 year old because of my step-mother.

Worth the sacrifice? I’m not sure yet. But it’s nice to be alone every so often.

Silver…you do realize that you’re not really allowed to go into strange people’s houses, don’t you? Don’t you? When you hear the door opening, run like hell, okay? :stuck_out_tongue:

So now what you do is what I used to do when I babysat for one of my moms friends…

I found a prodigous amount of porn… and several times I came across illegal herbal substances…
Always fun… you can learn a lot about someone by going through their drawers… hehehehehe

When I went to Canada, I left my friend my house keys so that he could feed my rabbit. When I came back, I found stuff scattered randomly that he’d left behind. Soda cans, coffee cups by my computer, an icee pop wrapper in my bedroom on my dresser…it was almost creepy to find where all he’d been while just feeding my bunny!!

Hi, Silver! Need some company?

…BTW, did you ever get out of those pants?


I know everything there is to know about them. I’ve known them for a decade.

Anyway, I’m home now. And yes, poohpah, I did get out of my pants. :wink:

I do that daily. And in different people’s houses, either Crack’dOff or zyzz’s. Comes with not having your own place. Though I’ve been at Crack’ds long enough that he considers me part of the scenery.

I’m doing that right now. Only not only is it my boyfirend’s place, he also lives in rez, so I’m alone, surrounded by 50 other people! ALthough his roommate isn’t here today, which is good, because as much as I don’t mind being here alone (in theory doing homework) I do find it awkward when Matt is here.

My BF won’t be back for a couple of hours either. I could easily choose to go home, but here I am a little bit more likey to do my homework, and I get to spend the night with him. So it’s a good thing in the long run :slight_smile:

I am hungry though…I have his meal card, but I think I can last til supper…